We Will Rock You Videos

April 30, 2002 | Preview
CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzel (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Mazz Murray (Teacher)
NOTES: Includes early versions of scenes and scenes that have been cut
June 11, 2002
CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzel (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Mazz Murray (Teacher)
February 11, 2003
CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzner (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
Notes: Proshot. Avalible as MP4 or VOB. Screenshot is from the VOB
December 29, 2010 | Highlights
CAST: David Rudin (u/s Galileo), Sarah French Ellis (Scaramouche), Christina Modestou (u/s Killer Queen), Alex Bourne (Khashoggi), Rachel John (Meat/Oz), Ryan Dawson (u/s Brit/J.B.), Kevin Kennedy (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
NOTES: David’s 3rd-ever performance as Galileo and Christina’s 2nd-ever performance as the Killer Queen. Timetoblowyourmind's master. Highlights of Killer Queen songs and scenes.
April 20, 2011 | Matinee | Highlights
CAST: Ricardo Afonso (Galileo), Sarah French Ellis (Scaramouche), Christina Modestou (u/s Killer Queen), Alex Bourne (Khashoggi), Rachel John (Meat/Oz), Ian Carlyle (Brit/J.B.), Kevin Kennedy (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Matthew Collyer (Rebel Leader/ Big Macca)
NOTES: Includes: (Killer Queen highlights only) Killer Queen, Fat Bottomed Girls & Another One Bites The Dust Notes: Not to be added to YouTube (by request of performer) Timetoblowyourmind's master
August 8, 2011 | Highlights
CAST: Mazz Murray (Killer Queen), Alex Bourne (Khashoggi)
NOTES: Includes: (Killer Queen highlights only) Killer Queen, Play The Game, "Bikini Wax", A Kind of Magic, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don't Stop Me Now, Another One Bites The Dust & "Killer Queen's Destruction" Notes: Mazz Murray's FIRST performance back after an over a year maternity hiatus. This is the first of her planned final two-week stint, where she went on to leave for good. Timetoblowyourmind's master

August, 2005
CAST: Alex Melcher (Galileo), Vera Bolten (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen), Martin Berger (Khashoggi), Michaela Kovarikova (Meat/Oz), DMJ (Brit/J.B.), James Sbano (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Harald Tauber (Teacher), Willemijn Verkaik
Notes: Pro-Shot

June 3, 2009 | Matinee | Highlights
CAST: Alex Gaumond (Galileo), Sarah French Ellis (Scaramouche), Ashley J Russell (u/s Killer Queen), Jonathan Wilkes (Khashoggi), Georgina Hagen (Meat/Oz), Wayne Robinson (Brit/J.B.), Kevin Kennedy (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
NOTES: Highlights include: I want to Break Free, Somebody to Love, Killer Queen, Khashoggi and Killer Queen scene, Play the Game, I want it all, Headlong, No one but you, Crazy little called love, Who wnats to live forever, Seven Seas or Rhye, Don't stop me know, Another one bites the dust, Headlong reprise, Wembley scene

September 16, 2010 | Highlights
CAST: Mark Seibert (Galileo), Jessica Kessler (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen)
Notes: Just over an hour of highlights

October, 2010
CAST: John Vooijs (Galileo), Marjolein Teepen (Scaramouche), Pia Douwes (Killer Queen), Paul Donkers (Khashoggi), Floortje Smit (Meat/Oz), Ruud van Overdijk (Brit/J.B.), Rutger le Poole (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
NOTES: Good capture. Heads in the way, but also a lot of good close-ups.

2011 | NFT
CAST: Edd Post (Galileo), Amanda Coutts (Scaramouche), Ashley J Russell (Killer Queen), Earl Carpenter (Khashoggi), Jenny Douglas (Meat/Oz), Leon Lopez (Brit/J.B.), Ian Reddington (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
NOTES: A beautiful capture in 16:9 wide-screen of this sensational, genuinely entertaining musical with an extremely talented cast.

May 13, 2013
CAST: Mig Ayesa (Galileo), Lauren Samuels (Scaramouche), Jenna Lee-James (Killer Queen), Lucie Jones (Meat/Oz), Sean Kingsley (Khashoggi), Rob Castll (Pop), Ronan Bell (Brit), Danielle Steers
NOTES: Missing We are the champions

October 27, 2013
CAST: Brian Justin Crum (Galileo), Ruby Lewis (Scaramouche), Jacqueline B Arnold (Killer Queen), PJ Griffith (Khashoggi), Erica Peck (Meat/Oz), Jared Zirilli (Brit/J.B.), Ryan Knowles (Pop/Buddy/Bap)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions from the First National Tour in the US. The cast does a wonderful job and such powerful singers! Brian has a huge voice and really handles the score! A SunsetBlvd79's master

2015 | Highlights
CAST: Alex DeLeo (Galileo), Amanda Coutts (Scaramouche), Hannah Vernham (Meat/Oz)
NOTES: Includes No oe but you, Who wants to live forever, We Will Rock You, We are the champions and Boheimian rhapsody. The videos are from different dates
2016 | Highlights
CAST: Hannah Ducharme (Scaramouche), Britt Lenting (Killer Queen)
NOTES: Includes: Somebody to Love, A Kind of Magic, Fat Bottomed Girls, Another One Bites The Dust. The videos are from different dates

December 2019 | Amsterdam
Cast: Stanley Burleson (Kashoggi), Anastacia (Killer Queen), Flavio Gismondi (Galileo), Arianna Galletti (Scaramouche), Jeroen Robben (Buddy), Ian Carlyle (Brit), Lily Jane Young (Oz)
Notes: Rumpel's master
December 20, 2019 | Highlights | Limited trades 2:1
CAST: Giorgio Adamo (Galileo), Arianna Galletti (Scaramouche), Anastacia (Killer Queen), Jeroen Robben (u/s Khashoggi), Lilly-Jane Young (Meat/Oz), Ian Carlyle (Brit/J.B.), Mattia Braghero (u/s Pop/Buddy/Bap), Giada Maragno (Teacher)
NOTES: LIMITED TRADES 2:1 Recorded from the second row at the World Forum Theatre in Den Haag (Netherlands) shot vertically on a mobile between seats. Highlights are Killer Queen-centric and include: Killer Queen, Play The Game, “Alchemy”, A Kind of Magic, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don’t Stop Me Now, Another One Bites The Dust & Bohemian. Timetoblowyourmind's master
December 21, 2019 | Matinee | Highlights | Limited Trades 2:1
CAST: Flavio Gismondi (Galileo), Arianna Galletti (Scaramouche), Anastacia (Killer Queen), Jeroen Robben (u/s Khashoggi), Lilly-Jane Young (Meat/Oz), Ian Carlyle (Brit/J.B.), Mattia Braghero (u/s Pop/Buddy/Bap), Giada Maragno (Teacher)
NOTES: LIMITED TRADES 2:1 Recorded at the World Forum Theatre in Den Haag (Netherlands). TimeToBlowYour Mind's master Highlights include: I Want To Break Free (Reprise), Somebody To Love, Killer Queen, “Commander Khashoggi”, Play The Game, I Want It All, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don’t Stop Me Now, Another One Bites The Dust & Bohemian Rhapsody. Timetoblowyourmind's master
December 22, 2019 | Matinee | Highlights | Limited trades 2:1
CAST: Flavio Gismondi (Galileo), Arianna Galletti (Scaramouche), Tia Architto (alt Killer Queen), Stanley Burleson (Khashoggi), Lilly-Jane Young (Meat/Oz), Ian Carlyle (Brit/J.B.), Jeroen Robben (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Giada Maragno (Teacher)
NOTES: LIMITED TRADES 2:1 Tia Architto's debut as Killer Queen in the first absence of Anastacia of the run . Recorded at the World Forum Theatre in Den Haag (Netherlands). TimeToBlowYour Mind's master. Highlights are Killer Queen-centric and include: Killer Queen, Play The Game, “Alchemy”, A Kind of Magic, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don’t Stop Me Now, Another One Bites The Dust & Bohemian Rhapsody

December 2019 | Highlights
Cast: Jenny O'Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Amy Di Bartolomeo (Oz), David Michael Johnson (Brit), Michael McKell (Buddy), Emily Olive Boyd (Teacher)
Notes: 20+ minutes of highlights. Features dialogue (start of show, Killer Queen boardroom, etc) and full songs of: A Kind of Magic, Seven Seas of Rhye, Don't Stop Me Now & Another One Bites The Dust

May 21, 2021
Cast: William Nickles (Galileo), Lauren McCombs (Scaramouche) Tamika Tyan (Killer Queen), Jason Cooper (Khashoggi), Myranda Thomas (Oz) Landon Sholar (Brit), Adam Byrd (Buddy), Shelby Brown, Corie Caudill, Olivia Duff, Scott Goodman, Hannah Lechleiter, Charlie Meredith, Julie Riehm McGuffey, Aaron Roitman, Remy Sisk, Hannah Thomas
Notes: A streamed production of We Will Rock You during the Covid pandemic. Includes PDF of the programe. Info taken from the company's site: "After over a year of not producing any mainstage theatre, Acting Against Cancer is back and ready to rock! With safety still the top priority for all, this will be a virtual musical, but it’s no sit-and-sing on Zoom! This is a full on production with wild effects, catchy choreography and above all, some killer music!"

February, 2022 | York | Highlights
CAST: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi),Martina Ciabetti Mennell (Meat), Michael Mckell (Cliff)
NOTES: Just over 30mins of highlights. Video ripped rom YouTube. Gifted upon request.
Highlights include: Inuendo, Opening scene, Galileo's arrest, Scaramouche's arrest, Killer Queen's boardroom, It's kind of Magic, Show Must Go On, Flash, Seven Seas of Rhye, Don't stop me now, Another one bites the dust & Bohimian Rhapsody
March 5, 2022 | Bournemouth | Evening | Highlights
Cast: Damien Walsh (alt. Galileo), Anna Davey (alt. Scaramouche), Kate Leiper (U/S Killer Queen), David Muscat (U/S Khashoggi), Martina Ciabatti Mennell (Meat), David Michael Johnson (Britney), Michael McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher), Ruby Greenwood (S/W), Karen Walker (S/W), Dominic Booth (S/W), Jacob Fearey (S/W)
Notes: Just under 25 mins of footage from the last performance of the Bournemouth leg of the tour, with lots of fantastic covers on (potentially for the last time for a while) - Katie Leiper and David Muscat only debuted in these respective U/S roles earlier in the week and ended up being on for the entire week! Video highlights include: Killer Queen, A Kind of Magic, The Show Must Go On, Fat Bottomed Girls, Don't Stop Me Now, "the rebels have escaped" dialogue, Another One Bites The Dust, Hammer To Fall, Killer Queen's Destruction and a snippet of Bohemian Rhapsody
Master: TimeToBlowYourMind

March 2022 | NFT
CAST: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Michael McKell (Cliff), David Michael Johnson (Brit), Kate Leiper (u/s Meat), Laura Ava-Scott, Laura Bird (Teacher)
NOTES: Hadesishere's master. Excellent 4K capture of the updated tour, with Kate Leiper as Meat. The changes include 'The Show Must Go On' being added and 'Don't Stop Me Now' being a duet between Killer Queen and Scaramouche. Act 1 is missing just before 'Headlong' through to the start of 'The Show Must Go On', and Act 2 includes the certain call. Some brief dropouts and wandering, but no significant washout or obstructions.

April 20, 2022 | Bristol | Highlights
CAST: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Martina Ciabetti Mennell (Meat), Michael Mckell (Cliff)
NOTES: Just over 15mins of highlights. Video ripped rom YouTube. Gifted upon request.
Highlights include: It's kind of Magic, Flash, Seven Seas of Rhye, Don't stop me now, Another one bites the dust & End of Bohimian Rhapsody

June 2022 | NFT
Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Anna Davey (alt Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Michael McKell (Cliff), David Michael Johnson (Brit), Joanne Harper (2nd u/s Meat), Laura Bird (Teacher) Notes: Good 4K capture of the opening night performance of the Norwich stop for the UK Tour, with alt Scaramouche and 2nd cover Meat. Head obstruction for the right side of the stage which is worked around but does completely obstruct the first verse of IWTBF and a couple other spots. The owner of the giant head swaps seats with a shorter person for act 2 which helps. No dropouts other than applause cover ups. Very strong performances from Ian, Anna & Joanne in particular, and some shoe-horned in Covid jokes.

August 2022 | NFT
Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Kashoggi), Kate Leiper (u/s Meat), Edward Leigh (t/r Britt), Micheal McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher) Ensemble: Joanne Harper, Spin, David Muscat, Laura Ava Scott, Joseph Connor Victoria Collins, Sam Gallacher (s/w), Issac Edwards, Karen Walker (s/w), Joeseph connor, Georgina Holland (s/w), Stuart David (t/r)
Notes: Shakeatradefeathers' master. Edward was given a handheld during crazy little thing called love. Some obstruction stage left during act one but no obstruction in act two. Action not followed until around 10 minutes in. Camera Video, filmed in 4k.

August 2022 | NFT
Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Joanne Harper (u/s Scaramouche), Jenny O’Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Kashoggi), Martina Ciabatti Johnson (Meat), Edward Leigh (t/r Britt), Micheal McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher) Ensemble: Laura Bird (teacher) David Muscat, Laura Ava Scott, Victoria Collins, Issac Edwards, Joeseph Connor, Georgina Holland (s/w), Stuart David, Kate Lieper, Damien Walsh, Ruby Greenwood (s/w)
Notes: Joanne Harpers Full Debut as Scaramouche. This video is a Martina/Joanne fancam, I can give more details but I literally do just zoom on either of them when they are onstage. Camera Video, filmed in 4k

August 2022 | NFT
CAST: Damien Walsh (alt Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O'Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Edward Leigh (t/r Britt), Kate Leiper (u/s Meat), Michael McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher)
NOTES: Hadesishere's master. Beautiful capture of Damien's Galileo. No dropouts or obstructions (apart from people occasionally leaning into the frame), and extremely minimal wandering. Shot in 4K with external audio synced, and includes the bows and encore.

August 2022 | NFT
CAST: Joseph Connor (u/s Galileo), Joanne Harper (u/s Scaramouche), Jenny O'Leary (Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Edward Leigh (t/r Brit), Kate Leiper (u/s Meat), Michael McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher)
NOTES: Fantastic capture of second covers Joseph and Joanne as Galileo and Scaramouche. No obstructions, 1 brief dropout during the Prologue, and very minimal wandering. Shot in 4K with external audio synced, and includes the bows and encore.

August 2022 | NFT
CAST: Damien Walsh (alt Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Kate Leiper (u/s Killer Queen), Adam Strong (Khashoggi), Edward Leigh (t/r Brit), Joanne Harper (2nd u/s Meat), Michael McKell (Cliff), Laura Bird (Teacher)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of Kate as Killer Queen and Joanne as Meat. No dropouts or obstructions, and extremely minimal wandering. Shot in 4K with external audio synced, and includes the bows.

June 2023 | NFT
CAST: Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Kashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Britt), Ben Elton (Rebel Leader), Jenny O’Leary (Teacher) Ensemble: Glenn Anderson, Laura Ava Scott, Liam Buckland, David Burin, Victoria Collins, Leanne Garretty, Lucy Glover, Ryesha Higgs, Shak Mancel James, David Macintosh, Danny Nattrass, Jarryd Nurden, Sam Robinson, Maddison Swan, Rebecca Wickes.
Notes: Filmed at the shows first preview. Filmed from the balcony during act one, quite a high angle but followed as well as possible with a slight pause after Killer Queen. Filmed from the circle during act two with a much nicer angle/shot. Camera Video, filmed in 4k.

July 2023 | NFT
CAST: Ian Mcintosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Ben Elton (Pop), Jenny O'Leary (Teacher)
NOTES: Hadesishere's master Good capture of the West End cast. Shot over a safety rail. A bit of wandering and obstruction from heads that comes and goes, both mostly in Act 1. Shot in 4K with external audio synced and includes bows and encore.

July, 2023 | NFT Until January 31, 2025
CAST: Ian Mcintosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Becca Wickes (u/s Meat), Shak Mancel James (u/s Brit), Ben Elton (Pop), Jenny O'Leary (Teacher), Maddison Swan (Tina Turner), Laura Ava-Scott (Lady Gaga), Liam Buckland (Madonna), Victoria Collins (Little Richard), Ryesha Higgs (David Bowie), David Mcintosh (Mr. Blobby), Jarryd Nurden (Rod Stewart), Sam Robinson (Cliff Richard), David Burlin (Atomic Kitten), Danny Nattrass, Glen Adamson, Isaac Edwards (s/w), Leanne Garretty, Lucy Golver, Ellis Linford-Pill (s/w Shak's track), Esme Bacalla Hayes (s/w), Karren Walker (s/w Becca's track)
NOTES: Tideslowebb's master. Available in original AVI and edited mp4 with external mp3. For sale only through master until NFT expires. NFT Date: January 31, 2025

July 29, 2023 | Evening | NFT Until January 2
Cast: Danny Nattrass (alt. Galileo), Leanne Garretty (u/s Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Ben Elton (Pop), Jenny O'Leary (Teacher), Maddison Swan (Tina Turner), Laura Ava-Scott (Lady Gaga), Liam Buckland (Madonna), Victoria Collins (Little Richard), Karen Walker (s/w David Bowie), David Mcintosh (Mr Blobby), Jarryd Nurden (Rod Stewart), Sam Robinson (Cliff Richard), David Burlin (Atomic Kitten), Glen Adamson, Esme Bacalla Hayes (s/w Leanne's Track), Lucy Golver, Ellis Linford-Pill (s/w Danny's Track), Shak Mancel James, Rebecca Wickes
Notes: bikinibottomday’s master . Excellent 4K capture of Danny and Leanne together! Some parts of the show are messily filmed due to how bright it was, but almost all action is captured. There are heads visible on the bottom. Some wandering / readjustment and unfocusing throughout. Some washout on wider shots. Includes curtain call and Bohemian Rhapsody, audio fed from external source.

July, 2023| Act 2 Only
Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O'Leary (alt Killer Queen), Rebecca Wickes (u/s Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Ben Elton (Pop), Karen Wlaker (Teacher), Victoria Collins (Little Richard), Ryesha Higgs (David Bowie), Liam Buckland (Madonna), David Burlin (Atomic Kitten), Laura Ava-Scott (Lady Gaga), Maddison Swan (Tina Turner), Jarryd Nurden (Rod Stewart), David Mcintosh (Mr Blobby), Sam Robinson (Cliff Richard), Glen Adamson, Leanne Garretty, Lucy Golver, Danny Nattrass, Shak Mancel James, Esme Bacalla Hayes (s/w Becca's track), Isaac Edwards (s/w), Ellis Linford Pill (s/w)
Notes: RainwashedPavement's master. Audio of act 1 (loud, lots of peaking), audio of act 2 (dialog is sometimes too quiet), and complete video of act 2. Video is blind-shot from the stalls and heavily obstructed by heads. No zooms, lots of spotlight washout, focus is all over the place. Sing-along with excited audience at the end. Includes bows. Never to be sold. Release Format: HD
August, 2023 | NFT FOREVER
Cast: Danny Nattrass (alt Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Ben Elton (Pop), Jenny O'Leary (Teacher), Maddison Swan (Tina Turner), Laura Ava-Scott (Lady Gaga), Liam Buckland (Madonna), Victoria Collins (Little Richard), Ryesha Higgs (David Bowie), David Mcintosh (Mr Blobby), Jarryd Nurden (Rod Stewart), Sam Robinson (Cliff Richard), David Burlin (Atomic Kitten), Glen Adamson, Leanne Garretty, Esme Bacalla Hayes, Lucy Golver, Ellis Linford-Pill (s/w), Shak Mancel James, Rebecca Wickes, Isaac Edwards
Notes: shakeatradefeather's master. Filmed from the left of the circle, some slight obstruction on the left side of the stage but I work around this very well, it only heavily obstructs during seven seas of rhye. Camera Video, filmed in 4k.

August, 2023 | NFT until 14/05/2024 Lasagna's video
Cast: Danny Nattrass (alt Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Brenda Edwards (Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Ben Elton (Pop) Notes: Decent capture of Danny as Galileo!

August 24, 2023 | Evening | NFT 01.02.24
Cast: Ian McIntosh (Galileo), Elena Skye (Scaramouche), Jenny O'Leary (alt. Killer Queen), Lee Mead (Khashoggi), Christine Allado (Meat), Adrian Hansel (Brit), Ben Elton (Rebel Leader), Karen Walker (S/W Teacher)
Notes: TimeToBlowYourMind's master. NFT except via master. 50+ mins of MP4 video highlights. Jenny O'Leary's final performance as alternate Killer Queen in the show's final week. Great shots, but quality varies throughout.
Highlights include some scenes and the following songs: Somebody To Love, Killer Queen, A Kind of Magic, I Want It All (partial), No One But You, Crazy Little Thing Called Love (partial), The Show Must Go On, Who Wants To Live Forever, Seven Seas of Rhye, Hammer To Fall (partial), Fat Bottomed Girls (partial), Don’t Stop Me Now and Boho Rhap. Partial songs are due to low phone battery, as this filming was unplanned. The full show audio is also available!