Waitress UK Audios

West End
February 7, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Final Dress Rehearsal for friends + family of the cast and competition winners! Includes speeches from Diane Paulus and Sara Bareilles at the beginning. The crowd reactions are incredibly and you can really feel the atmosphere. Marisha dropped a tray of mugs during Opening Up and Katharine flubs a line in She Used To Be Mine, but the energy and emotion that goes into this performance more than makes up for it. Jack McBrayer is a bit off key, but his Ogie is so funny otherwise. Sugarbutterlfower's master
February 8, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: First Preview in London! Sara Bareilles introduces the show and then comes out again at the end when none of us would leave – she sings a snippet of Armor! Katharine and the rest of the new cast is on top form and the audience reactions to every joke and every song are electric! Just before Bad Idea (Reprise) everyone was laughing so hard at Nurse Norma, who was on stage eating pie while Jenna and Dr Pomatter wanted to be alone. Katharine broke and laughed and David ad libs and says “Good, right?!” Sugarbutterlfower's master
February 9, 2019 | Matinee | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: Timetoblowyourmind's master. 3rd Preview.
February 12, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: 5th preview. My Master (its-all-green's master). The show is stopped just after never ever getting rid of me, before Jenna goes to see Doctor Pomatter due to technical difficulties. This lasted for about 15mins. Not for sale.
February 13, 2019 | Matinee | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: Soulofamanstepone's master
February 16, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
February 20, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: There is a moment during Dr Pomatter and Jenna's first scene when she asks how pregnant she is, a lady in the audience lets out a high pitched giggle that set the audience off laughing and caused slight laughter from Katharine and David, the pair ended up adlibbing a few lines. PJgreen's master
Tracked and Untracked
February 22, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
March 4, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Fifi Christophers (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: Alittlemoretradingtodo's master
March 8, 2019 | Opening Night
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Michael Hamway (u/s Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Nice quality audio. There’s some coughing, but nothing too distracting. Michael's first as Ogie. Calaijah's master
Tracked and Untracked
March 27, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: My Master (its-all-green's master) Jack added this extra "hot coffee" bit after Never Ever getting rid of me, when I mentioned it at stage door he said he wanted to "liven up the audience" the rest of the cast were trying so hard to not break character
March 27, 2019
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: Trentscowbell's master
March 30, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Chris McGuigan (u/s Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Fifi Christophers (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: GoodmorningVanessa's master
Tracked and Untracked
April 13, 2019
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Olivia Moore (u/s Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Cal), Stephen Leask (u/s Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Fifi Christophers (Lulu), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Stephen's debut
April 19, 2019
Katharine McPhee (Jenna), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Peter Hannah (Earl), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu)
April 22, 2019
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Charlotte Riby (u/s Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), Piers Bate (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter)
NOTES: Charlotte’s third show as Becky! She flubbed a couple lines and Kat flubbed one too just before I Didn’t Plan it. Kat’s She Used to be Mine is phenomenal, truly one of her best in my opinion! Sugarbutterflower's master
May 11, 2019
Cast: Sarah O’Connor (U/S Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Mark Willshire (U/S Earl), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Stephen Leask (Cal), Jack McBrayer (Ogie)
May 16, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (t/r Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl)
NOTES: Lucie Jones' Jenna debut before her actual run.
June 15, 2019
CAST: Katharine McPhee (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Jack McBrayer (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter)
NOTES: My Master (Its-all-green's master). A fun emotionally charged night for the whole cast as its the last show for: Kat, Laura, Jack and Arabella. Laura got an ovation after "When he sees me" and Kat reviceved one after "She Used to be mine". Someone sneezed after "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me", Laura started to laugh as, then the whole cast started to collectively loose it. Includes goodbye speeches. Not for sale
June 17, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), Michael Hamway (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Arabella Duffy (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Lucie Jones' official debut as Jenna. Ashley Roberts & Blake Harrison's debut as Dawn & Ogie. Shoeroom's master
June 21, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Sarah O'Connor (u/s Dawn), Michael Hamway (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Piers Bate (u/s Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Day before westendlive
June 22, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Charlotte Riby (u/s Becky), Sarah O'Connor (u/s Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Piers Bate (u/s Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Juliette Clemens-Lary (Lulu)
NOTES: Includes video of curtain call.
June 26, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Kelly Agbowu (u/s Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Earl), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Stephen Leask (Cal), Nicole Raquel Dennis (u/s Nurse Norma), Juliette Clemens-Lary (Lulu)
June 29, 2019 | Matinee
Lucie Jones (Jenna), Charlotte Riby (u/s Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Chris McGuigan (u/s Joe), Stephen Leask (Cal), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Peter Hannah (Earl)
Notes: ghostlaura's master
July 6, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Kelly Agbowu (u/s Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Mark Willshire (u/s Earl), Charlotte Riby (u/s Nurse Norma)
Notes: TeamEmphaba's master
July 13, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Olivia Moore (u/s Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl)
NOTES: Olivia Moore’s debut as Jenna. Sweetsummertrade's master
July 13, 2019 | Evening
CAST: Olivia Moore (u/s Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe/Josie), Peter Hannah (Earl)
NOTES: Olivia's second as Jenna!
July 22, 2019
CAST: Olivia Moore (u/s Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Nicole Raquel Dennis (u/s Nurse Norma), Juliette Clemens-Lary (Lulu)
NOTES: Olivia delivers a stunning performance (with just a couple of minor line flubs) in what is only her second show as Jenna, and her 'She Used to be Mine' earns a solid 20 seconds of applause and cheering. Nicole is completely hilarious as Nurse Norma, and definitely an audience favourite! Includes a video of the Curtain Call. Act 1 my phone was on the ground but I rested it on my leg for Act 2. Magicinthemess's master
July 27, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Nathaniel Morrison (u/s Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Charlotte Riby (u/s Nurse Norma)
NOTES: Nate Morrison’s debut as Ogie. Sweetsummertrade's master. Not for sale
August 3, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Sarah O'Connor (u/s Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Juliette Clemens-Lary (Lulu), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
August 8, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Ashley Roberts (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Shaun Prendergast (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: A woman shouted "get it girl!" when Jenna and Dr. P first kissed, causing everyone to laugh and David and Lucie to break character. Sugarbutterflower's master
August 23, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Charlotte Riby (u/s Becky), Olivia Moore (u/s Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Sarah O'Connor (s/w Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother)
NOTES: Lucie broke character during Bad Idea (Reprise) when she was trying to say "In the dark, dark chocolate pie." David had his thigh up on the examination table and was stroking it and wiggling his eyebrows at her, which made her laugh. Sugarbutterflower's master
September 2, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), Piers Bate (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl)
September 7, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma)
Notes: Blake & Peter's last matinee
September 7, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Blake Harrison (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Peter Hannah (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma)
Notes: Batbootleg's master. Blake & Peter's last show.
September 9, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma)
NOTES: Joe Sugg, Cindy Belliot and Tamlyn Henderson’s first performances. Sweetsummertrade's master. Not for sal.
September 16, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma)
NOTES: Press night for Joe Sugg
September 27, 2019
Cast: Sarah O'Connor (u/s Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Olivia Moore (u/s Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Chris McGuigan (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
Notes: The first time Sarah and Olivia have both been on as main roles together. Olivia's first Dawn show with Joe Sugg as Ogie.
September 30, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), Piers Bate (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Chris McGuigan (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma)
NOTES: alizarintrading’s master.
October 10, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Marisha's final performance
October 26, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Olivia Moore (u/s Jenna), Charlotte Riby (u/s Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), Piers Bate (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Annabelle Jones (Lulu), Sarah O'Connor (s/w Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother)
NOTES: The first time that Jenna and Dr Pomatter have been played by Olivia and Piers (who are dating irl so the whole show was so soft). Sweetsummertrade's master. Not for sale.
November 20, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Laura Baldwin (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Sugg (Ogie), Stephen Leask (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Kelly Agbowu (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Charlotte Riby (Mother)
NOTES: Do not EVER post this on any social media such as Youtube, Instagram, or Twitter. Politedemon's master
December 7, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Olivia Moore (u/s Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Piers Bate (u/s Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Leanne Pinder (s/w Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: charlicpace's master. The end of the new cast's first week, with real-life couple Olivia and Piers on for Jenna and Earl respectively. Olivia flubs a few lines throughout after throwing herself off at the top of Act 1, and something got broken on stage after Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me. A bit of talking from the women next to me, and a fair amount of coughing, but otherwise not disrupted. Never to be sold.
December 21, 2019
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Laura Selwood (2nd u/s Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Nathaniel Morrison (u/s Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: sugarbutterflowers' master
January 4, 2020
Cast: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Mark Willshire (u/s Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter)
NOTES: pursuitofhappinesspie's master sandra marvin’s last show as becky, no disruptions and a great audio, in bad idea before david hunter couldn’t stop laughing (don’t think this can be heard but the gaps are definitely longer) and it was later revealed this was because his parents were in the audience / Originally Released by MozartWasCrazy until Master decided to join the bootleg community
January 8, 2020
CAST: Olivia Moore (2nd u/s Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), Matthew Rowland (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Ben Morris (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Piers Bate (u/s Earl)
NOTES: Ben's Cal debut
January 14, 2020
CAST: Desi Oakley (e/c Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Nathaniel Morrison (u/s Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Piers Bate (u/s Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia Kaplan (Lulu)
NOTES: Desi's 2nd West End Performance
January 18, 2020 | Matinée
CAST: Desi Oakley (e/c Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother)
NOTES: iseestars' master. Desi Oakley emergency cover in london due to cast illness
January 22, 2020
CAST: Desi Oakley (e/c Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Ben Morris (u/s Cal), Richard Taylor Woods (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Matthew Rowland (s/w Father)
Notes: Really clear audio recorded from second row. From when Desi Oakley flew to the UK to emergency cover Jenna when all three actresses were ill. Includes cast board and bows.
January 25, 2020
CAST: Desi Oakley (e/c Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Hannah Tointon (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: David, Desi & Hannah’s final show. Sweetsummertrades's master. Not for sale
January 27, 2020 | Limited trades 2:1
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: Sara, and Evelyn's first. LIMITED TRADES 2:1. Timetoblowyourmind's master.
January 28, 2020
Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
Notes: sugarbutterflowers’ master
January 29, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: pyladic’s master. Sara and Gavin do a wonderful job as Jenna and Pomatter! Sara receives about a straight minute of applause after She Used to Be Mine
January 31, 2020 | NFT
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: There's an extremely loud woman next to the master who makes comments throughout. Cookie's master, NFT except through master.
February 3, 2020 | Limited trades 2:1
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: LIMITED TRADES Willemijn Verkaik (Jenna in the Dutch production) and the Dutch cast of “Waitress” were in the audience. Includes two perfect quality recordings - from an Olympus Dictaphone & from the VoiceRecordPro App on iPhone 11 Pro. Timetoblowyourmind's
February 5, 2020 | Matinee
Cast: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
February 5, 2020
Cast: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
Notes: forfivemoreminutes' master
February 17, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Mark Willshire (u/s Earl), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu)
Notes: Iguesscallmedennis' master
February 19, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Laura Selwood (u/s Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: Sara and Gavin break character twice during Bad Idea and stop singing. second master, mp3 untracked with cast board photo
February 19, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Laura Selwood (u/s Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Nathaniel Morrison, Piers Bate
NOTES: Gavin drops the prescription paper into the audience and someone has to give it back to him. Just before bad idea reprise the doctor's office door wasnt left open so Gavin has to adlib. My Master (Its-all-green's master). Not for sale.
February 22, 2020
Cast: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Olivia Moore (u/s Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Sarah O'Connor (s/w Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: sugarbutterflowers's master
February 29, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl)
Notes: Theatrehufflepuff's master
March 2, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Nathaniel Morrison, Piers Bate
NOTES: Recorded from grand circle but still pretty clear. Lasagnatrade's master
March 4, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Rosemary Nkrumah (u/s Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Laura Selwood (u/s Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: whispers of talking around the recording device and creaking floor LittleShopOfBoots's audio master
March 6, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Laura Selwood (Mother)
NOTES: pursuitofhappinesspie's master. great audio, in the scene before ‘you matter to me’ gavin knocks over a rolling pin so him and sara ad libbed as much as they could / Originally Released by MozartWasCrazy until Master decided to join the bootleg community
March 7, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Marisha Wallace (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Laura Selwood (Mother)
NOTES: 1st Anniversary performance, Marisha's last. Includes partial video of speeches, and full audio of speeches and a special rendition of What's Inside. The bed does not get wheeled on for the doctor's office in Act 2, the audience absolutely loses it for around a minute and Gavin ad-libs "just doing a little redecorating".
March 10, 2020
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Leanne Pinder (s/w Mother), Matthew Rowland (s/w Father)
NOTES: Contact master for trade. Soulofamanstepine's master. Not for sale.
March 11, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Rosemary Nkrumah (Nurse Norma), Lucia De Wan (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother), Piers Bate (s/w Father), Matthew Rowland, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Sarah O'Connor
NOTES: Matinee. A bit quiet - recorded from the second row. Includes curtain call video. NaTasha's third show in the West End, and first matinee. Sara said on Instagram she had a sore throat, and then continued to sing SUTBM the best I've ever heard it live, and give a stellar performance all round. The entire cast are on fire, and the combo of Sara, Evie, and NaTasha together is just magical. Special shoutout to Sarah O'Connor who covered the majority of the track usually played by Nathaniel Morrison, making the show even more woman-focused, and my heart happy. P.S keep a listen out for the glorious laugh of the man sat in front of me. Charlicpace's master. not for sale.
March 14, 2020 | Closing Night
Cast: Sara Bareilles (Jenna), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Gavin Creel (Dr. Pomatter), Joel Montague (Ogie), Richard Taylor Woods (Cal), Andrew Boyer (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Laura Selwood (u/s Nurse Norma), Madison Worley (Lulu), Olivia Moore (Francine Pomatter), Laura Selwood (Mother)
Notes : Final London performance as producers have just announced its closure. Sara and Gavin's last after a 7 week run, NaTasha's eighth and final performance as their runs were cut short unexpectedly. Probably Sara's last ever performance in Waitress. An excellent audience, lots of reactions and a standing ovation after SUTBM. Gavin has a momentary break in the Bad Idea reprise, both Sara and Gavin break during You Matter to Me. The cast gave their all, with a special shoutout to NaTasha for finishing I Didn't Plan It nearly a full octave above the original score. Sarah, Leanne and Mark on instead of Monique, Rosemary and Nate.
UK Tour
September 4, 2021 | Wimbledon
Cast: Lucie Jones (Jenna, Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Jay-Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D Hunt (Cal), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Monique Ashe Palmer, Amelia Atherton, Ben Morris, Brian Roland
NOTES: Opening night of the UK Tour!! An incredible, emotional performance from Lucie as always - it’s like the break has only made her stronger and you can clearly feel how excited she is to be back in the role. A few mic mishaps, as well as Matt dropping the pocket pie and making everybody laugh, including Lucie. The flag in Bad Idea (Reprise) was a pride flag, which got big cheers from the audience. Lucie also got an immediate standing ovation after a gut wrenching She Used To Be Mine. Also includes post-show speech from Lucie Jones!
September 20, 2021
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Aimee Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe Palmer, Nathanael Landskroner, Brian Ronald
Notes: MozartWasCrazy's master
Tracked & Untracked
September 22, 2021
Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Esma Akar (Lulu), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Nathanael Landskroner, Brian Ronald
​Notes: The cast were even better at this show than the matinee and all performed phenomenally. Lucie was crying during Everything Changes and Sandra had to give her a tissue, and Lucie's SUTBM was the most emotional I've ever heard it. Includes bows. forfivemoreminutes’ master
October 5, 2021 | Milton Keynes
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr. Pomatter), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), , George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe)
NOTES: Soulofamanstepone’s Master NFT until 6th November 2021
October 9, 2021 | Matinee | Milton Keynes
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Vivi Piper Belle Quirk (Lulu), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
Notes: Its-all-green's master.
Tracked & Untracked
November 20, 2021 | Manchester
CAST: Lucie Jones (Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Vivi Piper Belle Quirk (Lulu), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father)
NOTES: Batbootlegs’ audio master. I believe the full lead cast was on, but there was no cast board. Closing night of the Manchester stop.
January 10, 2022 | Northampton | Limited Trades 2:1
Cast: Aimée Fisher (U/S Jenna), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Matt Willis (Dr Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Olivia Mitchell (S/W Francine Pomatter), Esma Akar (Lulu)
Notes: TimeToBlowYourMind's master. Opening night in Northampton and first performance of 2022, as well as the first back since Lucie Jones's final performance in November 2021! This was initially due to be the debut of Chelsea Halfpenny taking over the role of Jenna, however this was postponed to later in the week, so Aimée Fisher went on for a couple of nights instead and was amazing (in her second-ever performance as U/S Jenna). Includes two perfect quality recordings from an Olympus Dictaphone & from the Dolby On App on iPhone 12 Pro
January 11, 2022 | Northampton
CAST: Aimée Fisher (U/S Jenna), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Matt Willis (Dr Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Olivia Mitchell (S/W Francine Pomatter), Esma Akar (Lulu)
NOTES: NFT unless through soulofamanstepone until 10/02/2022
January 13, 2022 | Northampton | Limited Trades 2:1
Cast: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Matt Willis (Dr Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Charlie Martin* (S/W Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Isabelle Foot (Lulu)
Notes: TimeToBlowYourMind​'s master. Crystal clear recording of Chelsea Halfpenny's debut as Jenna - she was fantastic! A woman had a coughing fit just before 'You Matter To Me', but thankfully didn't disturb any of the songs. Includes two perfect quality recordings from an Olympus Dictaphone & from the Dolby On App on iPhone 12 Pro
Tracked & Untracked
January 15, 2022 | Matinee | Northampton
Cast: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Nathanael Landskroner (U/S Dr Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Isabelle Foot (Lulu), Donal Brennan (S/W Ensemble), Liam McHugh (S/W Ensemble) Notes: Nathanael Landskroner’s second performance as U/S Dr Pomatter and his first show with Chelsea Halfpenny as Jenna (during her first week of performances).
Notes: soulofaman-stepone's master.
Tracked & untracked
February 11, 2022
CAST: Aimée Fisher (U/S Jenna), Matt Jay-Willis (Dr Pomatter), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Sandra Marvin (Becky), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabrielle (Nurse Norma), Sophia Reed (Lulu)
February 19, 2022
CAST: Aimée Fisher (u/s Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Nathanael Landskroner (u/s Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Amelia Atherton (u/s Nurse Norma), Olivia Mitchell (s/w Francine Pomatter), Charlie Martin (s/w Mother), Donal Brennan (s/w Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Liam McHugh (s/w), Brian Roland NOTES: Understudy heavy show with all four swings on, and Aimée and Nathanael had great chemistry together. Includes understudy notice and bows video.
February 23, 2022
CAST: Aimée Fisher (u/s Jenna), Sandra Marvin (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Matt Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Olivia Mitchell (s/w Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Nathanael Landskroner, Brian Roland
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes' master. Matt had just come back after a week off and still sounded very sick to me when he was singing. Includes understudy notice and bows video.
March 31, 2022
CAST: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Wendy Mae Brown (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), David Hunter (t/r Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher D Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Monique Ashe Palmer, Amelia Atherton, Ben Morris, Nathanael Landskroner, Brian Ronald
NOTES: Batbootlegs’ audio master. Wendy Mae Brown’s second show as Becky. David Hunter’s second show as Dr. Pomatter of his week long return for this tour stop, before taking over the role again in a couple of months.
April 13, 2022 | Matinee | Glasgow
Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Matt Jay-Wills (Dr Pomatter), Wendy Mae Brown (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), George Crawford (Ogie), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Michael Starke (Joe), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Amelia Atherton (u/s Nurse Norma), Emilia Savage (Lulu).
​Notes: hausofbootlegs’ master
April 21, 2022 | Edinburgh
Aimée Fisher (u/s Jenna), Scarlet Gabriel (u/s Becky), Charlie Martin (u/s Dawn), Matt Jay-Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Ben Morris (u/s Cal), Christopher Hunt (u/s Joe), Mark Willshire (e/c Earl), Amelia Atherton (u/s Nurse Norma), Donal Brennan (s/w), Olivia Mitchell (s/w), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Brian Ronald, Liam McHugh
Notes: Very Understudy-filled show with only 2 principal cast members performing their roles. All of the ensemble are performing split tracks and features the return of Mark Willshire to the role of Earl! Absolutely fantastic show despite the circumstances. I believe this is the first time there's been a cover on for all 3 waitresses during the tour. Audio gets muffled towards the start due to latecomers but is quickly fixed. HadesWasKing's master.
April 22, 2022 | Edinburgh
Cast: Olivia Mitchell (2nd u/s Jenna), Matt Jay-Wills (Dr Pomatter), Scarlet Gabriel (u/s Becky), Charlie Martin (u/s Dawn), George Crawford (Ogie), Mark Wilshire (e/c Earl), Christopher D.Hunt (u/s Joe), Ben Morris (u/s Cal), Amelia Atherton (u/s Nurse Norma), Laura Selwood (e/c), Donal Brennan (Swing), Emilia Savage (Lulu)
Notes: Olivia's Jenna debut and understudy hell, due to an outbreak of the rona. With returning swings from the London production. hausofbootlegs' master
April 23, 2022 | Matinee | Edinburgh
Cast: Olivia Mitchell (2nd u/s Jenna), Scarlet Gabriel (u/s Becky), Charlie Martin (u/s Dawn), Matt Jay-Willis (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Mark Willshire (e/c Earl), Christopher D Hunt (u/s Joe), Ben Morris (u/s Cal), Amelia Atherton (u/s Nurse Norma), Laura Selwood (e/c Ensemble), Donal Brennan (s/w Ensemble)
Notes: Understudy heavy show and Olivia’s second Jenna. Audio isn’t super great quality as I was sat in the back row and the mic picked up every noise in the theatre, including the people in front of me rustling food a LOT. Someone on my row left after It Only Takes A Taste, making it difficult to hear the next scene. Please don’t post anywhere online, including social media sites and YouTube.
July 4, 2022
CAST: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Wendy Mae Williams (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), Liam McHugh (u/s Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Amelia Atherton (Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Monique Ashe-Palmer, Donal Brennan (s/w), Nathanael Landskroner
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes’ master. Liam’s Ogie debut! Chelsea laughed at David doing a weird pose at the ‘in the dark, dark chocolate pie’ line. Includes cover notice and bows video.
July 6, 2022
CAST: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Wendy Mae Williams (Becky), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Christopher Hunt (Cal), Michael Starke (Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Monique Ashe-Palmer (u/s Nurse Norma), Aimée Fisher (Francine Pomatter), Olivia Mitchell (s/w Mother), Ben Morris (Father), Donal Brennan (s/w), Nathanael Landskroner, Liam McHugh (s/w), Brian Ronald
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes’ master. Monique’s second show on tour as Norma after debuting at the matinee (she also previously covered the role in the West End). Due to a lack of cover for the female ensemble, Liam was covering the majority of the usual Norma ensemble track with Monique doing her usual ensemble parts plus Norma, other than ‘Club Knocked Up’ which Olivia covered. At the ‘in the dark, dark chocolate pie’ line David was doing a weird pose which broke Chelsea and she was giggling for a few lines. Before ‘Take it from an Old Man’, George disappeared and so for the “look at them, happiest day of their lives” line Evelyn just awkwardly giggled on her own and then started dancing with Olivia as the Priest (he then came back just before the song started). Includes cover notice and bows video.
July 12, 2022
CAST: Chelsea Halfpenny (Jenna), Evelyn Hoskins (Dawn), Wendy Mae Brown (Becky), David Hunter (Dr. Pomatter), George Crawford (Ogie), Michael Starke (Old Joe), Tamlyn Henderson (Earl), Christopher D. Hunt (Cal), Scarlet Gabriel (Nurse Norma), Amelie Atherton, Amiée Fisher, Monique Ashe Palmer, Ben Morris, Nathanael Landskroner, Brian Ronald
NOTES: GloryOfTheSpring’s Master. I inhaled a mask fibre or something so there’s a lovely coughing fit just before ‘When He Sees Me’ but the rest should be clear lol. Usual deal - you’re free to trade and gift privately but do not post any part publicly and do not sell.