Phantom of the Opera Audios

West End
September 17, 2008
CAST: Ramin Karimloo, Gina Beck, Simon Bailey, Barry James, Gareth Snook, Kate Radmilovic, Heather Jackson, Rohan Tickell, Tori Jones
January 6, 2009 | Matinee
CAST: Ramin Karimloo (The Phantom of the Opera), Gina Beck (Christine Daaé), Simon Bailey (Raoul), Kate Radmilovic (Carlotta Giudicelli), Barry James (Monsieur Firmin), Gareth Snook (Monsieur André), Rohan Tickell (Ubaldo Piangi)
December 23, 2010
CAST: John Owen-Jones (The Phantom of the Opera), Gina Beck (e/c Christine Daaé), Will Barratt (Raoul), Wendy Ferguson (Carlotta Giudicelli), Barry James (Monsieur Firmin), John Jack (Monsieur André), Kate Batter (Madame Giry), Rohan Tickell (Ubaldo Piangi), Anna Forbes (Meg Giry)
Notes: thewho's master
March 6, 2015
CAST: Earl Carpenter (t/r The Phantom of the Opera), Lisa-Anne Wood (u/s Christine Daaé), Oliver Savile (u/s Raoul), Lara Martins (Carlotta Giudicelli), Andy Hockley (Monsieur Firmin), Martin Ball (Monsieur André), Jacinta Mulcahy (Madame Giry), Alicia Beck (Meg Giry)
June 24, 2016
CAST: Ben Forster (The Phantom of the Opera), Lisa-Anne Wood (alt. Christine Daaé), Ashley Stillburn (u/s Raoul), Charlotte Vaughan (u/s Carlotta Guidicelli), Michael Matus (Monsieur Firmin), Christopher Dickins (Monsieur André), Meshell Dillon (u/s Madame Giry), John Ellis (Ubaldo Piangi), Daisy Hulbert (u/s Meg Giry)
Notes: havebeenchangedforgood’s master. Ben mixes up some lines in Final Lair.
August 29, 2016
CAST: Ben Forster (The Phantom of the Opera), Maria Coyne (u/s Christine Daaé), Nadim Naaman (Raoul), Megan Llewellyn (Carlotta Giudicelli), Michael Matus (Monsieur Firmin), Christopher Dickins (Monsieur André), Jacinta Mulcahy (Madame Giry), John Ellis (Ubaldo Piangi), Alicia Beck (Meg Giry)
August 18, 2017
CAST: Scott Davies (s/b The Phantom of the Opera), Maria Coyne (s/b Christine Daaé), Nadim Naaman (Raoul), Lara Martins (Carlotta Giudicelli), Siôn Lloyd (Monsieur Firmin), Mark Oxtoby (Monsieur André), Joanna Strand (u/s Madame Giry), Paul Tabone (Ubaldo Piangi), Georgia Ware (u/s Meg Giry)
NOTES: Maria Coyne's last Christine
September 4, 2017
CAST: Ben Lewis (The Phantom of the Opera), Kelly Mathieson (Christine Daaé), Jeremy Taylor (Raoul)
Notes: First show for the new cast.
October 8, 2019
CAST: Josh Piterman, Kelly Mathieson, Alistair So (u/s), Ross Dawes, Richard Woodford, Britt Lenting, Paul Ettore Tabone, Sophie Caton (u/s), Georgia Ware
Notes: Boxfivetrades’ master. To be gifted upon request. Second show for Alistair So.
July 27, 2021 | Re-Opening Night
CAST: Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera), Lucy St. Louis (Christine Daaé), Rhys Whitfield (Raoul), Saori Oda (Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harrop (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry), James Humes (Monsieur Rayer), James Gant (Auctioneer), Edward Court (Don Attilo), Tim Morgan (Monsieur Lefevre), Michael Robert-Lowe (Joseph Buquet), Leeroy Boone (Slavemaster), Jonathan Milton (Gala Dancer), Simon Whitaker (Porter/Passarino), Ashley Stillburn (Hairdresser (Il Murto)), Jemal Felix (Marksman), Janet Mooney (Wardrobe Mistress), Lily De-La-Haye (Wild Woman), Emma Harris (Madame Firmin), Beatrice Penny Touré (Princess), Manon Taris (Confidante), Anouk Van Laake (Page), Erin Flaherty, Eilish Harmon-Beglan, Yukina Hasebe, Grace Hume, Nikki Skinner, Skye Weiss
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes’ master Reopening night of the West End production after being closed for over 16 months. This is also the first performance with a black actress playing Christine on the West End. The whole cast was absolutely fantastic, and the audience reacted accordingly (headphone users beware). Includes Cameron MacIntosh’s short speech at the start, the orchestra playout and a picture of the Cast Board.
July 29, 2021
CAST:Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera), Lucy St Louis (Christine Daaé), Rhys Whitfield (Raoul), Lily De-La-Haye ( U/S Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harrop (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry)
Notes: Very Theatrical Trades Master. Lily De-La-Haye’s First performance as Carlotta. Tracked By Hester.
Tracked and Untracked
August 3, 2021
CAST: Killian Donnelly, Lucy St. Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young
August 3, 2021
NOTES: Killian doesn't make it to box five for the chandelier crash and there is no "Christine" sung by the phantom before All I Ask of You.
bestofallpossibletrades master
April 22, 2022
Cast: Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera), Anouk van Laake (u/s Christine Daaé), Ashley Stillburn (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Lily De-La-Haye (u/s Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harrop (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi)
February 18, 2023
Cast: Earl Carpenter (t/r The Phantom of the Opera), Anouk van Laake (u/s Christine Daaé), Matt Blaker (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Kelly Glyptis (Carlotta Giudicelli), Tim Morgan (Monsieur Firmin), James Hume (u/s Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry), Andrew York (Monsieur Reyer), James Gant (Auctioneer), Edward Court (Don Attilio), Tim Southgate (Monsieur Lefevre), Michael Robert-Lowe (Joseph Buquet), Jonathan Milton (Slavemaster), Jonathan Milton (Gala dancer), Simon Whitaker (Porter/Passarino), Connor Carson (Hairdresser Il Muto), Andrew York (Marksman), Olivia Holland-Rose (Wardrobe Mistress), Lily De-La-Haye (Wild Woman), Hollie Aires (Madame Firmin), Eve Shanu-Wilson (Princess), Lizzie Wofford (Confidante), Olivia Holland-Rose (Page), Corina Clark (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire), Serina Faull (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire), Eilish Harmon-Beglan (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire), Yukina Hasebe (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire), Grace Hume (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire), Skye Weiss (The Ballet Chorus of the Opéra Populaire)
NOTES: lulametrades' master. Second show of Anouk and Earl together. Earl’s mic was off in the beginning of his Masquerade entrance, though it’s back on for “Have you missed me, good messieurs?”. Includes a cast board photo, a curtain call video and 8 Earl x Anouk oriented tracked highlights. NFT except through master until May 18th 2023. THE VIDEO IS ONLY TRADEABLE THROUGH MASTER FOREVER. Any part of this, especially the video, is to NEVER be shared publicly without my permission.
July 29, 2023 | Matinee
CAST: James Gant (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Holly-Anne Hull (Christine Daaé), Matt Blaker (Raoul), Kelly Glyptis (Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harris (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Emma Harris (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry), James Hume (Monsieur Reyer), Edward Court (u/s Auctioneer), Edward Court (Don Attilio), Hywel Dowsell (s/w Monsieur Lefevre), Michael Robert-Lowe (Joseph Buquet), Thomas Holdsworth (Slavemaster), Thomas Holdsworth (Gala Dancer), Simon Whitaker (Porter/Passarino), Connor Carson (Hairdresser (Il Muto)), Ralph Watts (Marksman), Michelle Cornelius (Wardrobe Mistress), Lily De-La-Haye (Wild Woman), Emma Harris (Madame Firmin), Hollie Aires (s/w Princess), Olivia Holland-Rose (s/w Confidante), Anouk Van Laake (Page), Corina Clark, Eilish Harmon-Beglan, Serina Faull, Yukina Hasebe, Jasmine Wallis, Skye Weiss
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes’ master. Penultimate show for the 22/23 cast. Old lady next to me kept chuckling to herself at random points in the show. Includes cast board and bows.
October 8, 1988
CAST: Michael Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera), Dale Kristien (alt Christine Daaé), Steve Barton (Raoul), Judy Kaye (Carlotta Giudicelli), Nick Wyman (Monsieur Firmin), Cris Groenendaal (Monsieur André), Leila Martin (Madame Giry)
September 16, 2019
CAST: Ted Keegan (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Eryn Lecroy (Christine Daaé), John Riddle (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta Giudicelli), Scott Mikita (Monsieur Firmin), Bradley Dean (Monsieur André), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Chris Georgetti (Ubaldo Piangi), Kelsey Connolly (Meg Giry)
NOTES: Two Tracks John Riddle took over for Raoul beginning on September 11th. The spoken dialogue is a bit on the "hard to hear" side, but that could also be said for inside the theatre! All in all, I think this recorder's first "go round" was a good one! Glad I saw John as well-- such a powerful voice!
March 7, 2020
CAST: Ben Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera), Meghan Picerno (Christine Daaé), John Riddle (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta Giudicelli), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Bradley Dean (Monsieur André), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Carlton Moe (Ubaldo Piangi), Kelsey Connolly (Meg Giry)
NOTES: The audio quality is very good. The couple next to me talked loudly a few times. Planeguy's master
March 6, 2009 | Perth
Cast: Anthony Warlow (The Phantom of the Opera), Ana Marina (Christine Daae), Alexander Lewis (Raoul)Anthony Warlow, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
Fourth UK Tour
February 22, 2020 | First Preview
Cast: Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera), Holly-Anne Hull (Christine Daaé), Rhys Whitfield (Raoul), Saori Oda (Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harrop (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry)
Notes: First Preview of the Short-lived UK tour. The person in the seat in front of me Coughs a few times during the show. Also during the graveyard scene a drunk woman is thrown out of the front Stalls. Recorded from the Stalls. Very Theatrical Trades Master
March 4, 2020 | Opening Night | NFT Except through me
CAST: Killian Donnelly (The Phantom of the Opera), Holly-Anne Hull (Christine Daaé), Rhys Whitfield (Raoul), Saori Oda (Carlotta Giudicelli), Matt Harrop (Monsieur Firmin), Adam Linstead (Monsieur André), Francesca Ellis (Madame Giry), Greg Castiglioni (Ubaldo Piangi), Ellie Young (Meg Giry)
NOTES: Opening night of the tour!! NFT except through me (its-all-green), recorded by a friend of mine.