Only Fools and Horses Audios

West End
February 18, 2019 | Preview
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Final Preview. My master(its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
March 21, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
Notes Josh's master
March 30, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
April 6, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Byrant (u/s Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
April 10, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Lisa Bridge (u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
May 8, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: 99th Performance. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
May 15, 2019 | Matinee | NFT
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Samantha Lane (u/s Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
Notes: Tinyrevolt's master
May 25, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lisa Bridge
May 29, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Samantha Seager (u/s Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (2nd u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
June 12, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
Notes: My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
June 15, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Andy Mace (u/s Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Andrew Byrant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Andy Mace and Lee Van Geelan were told 5 minuetes before curtain that they were going on for Boycie and Mike respectively
June 19, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Samantha Seager (u/s Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Lisa Bridge (u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
July 3, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Chris Bennett (u/s Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Andy Bryant (u/s Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon Morrey (u/s Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: The audience can be talkative at times. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
July 10, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Chris Kiely (u/s Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Andy Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Philip Childs (2nd u/s Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
July 27, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Paul's last show at the time, he adlibs at times
July 31, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Chris Kiely (u/s Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Lisa Bridge (u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Andy Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Andy's 3rd show as lead grandad. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
August 31, 2019
CAST: Chris Bennett (u/s Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Philip Childs (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Lee Van Geleen (2nd u/s Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (3rd u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Bradley John (3rd u/s Sid), Bradley John (2nd u/s Dating Agent and Various)
October 5, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Philip Childs (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Andy Mace (u/s Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Andy Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (2nd u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
Notes: My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
October 11, 2019| NFT
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Philip Childs (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Samantha Seager (u/s Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Lisa Bridge (u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Bryant (3rd u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon Morrey (u/s Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
Notes: Cookie's master
November 2, 2019 | Matinee | NFT Except through me
CAST: Chris Bennett (u/s Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Lisa Bridge (2nd u/s Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (2nd u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Bryant (3rd u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Bradley John (3rd u/s Sid), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Lisa's Debut as Raquel! A very thin esemble (technially no ensemble as everyone had at least one role to cover) as a lot of people were off, people had to double up on tracks. Sam Lane did her regular track but as Marlene in some songs/scenes. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold. Only tradable through me.
November 6, 2019 | Matinee | NFT
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Philip Childs (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Only available for trade from master. Mycornerofthesky's master. Only tradeable trhough the master
November 9, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Philip Childs (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Dating Agent and Various), Bradley John, Lisa Bridge
Notes: My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
December 4, 2019 | Matinee
CAST: Chris Bennett (u/s Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Philip Childs (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon Morrey (u/s Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Bradley John, Lisa Bridge, Samantha Lane
NOTES: Recorded from the front row. Chris directs his market speal straight at me. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
December 7, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Lisa Bridge (u/s Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Samantha Lane (e/c Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Samantha Lane was in Mike the Barman's track but when she covers this role she is called Joyce.
December 16, 2019
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (u/s Tony Driscoll), Philip Childs (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lisa Bridge
Notes: Whoneedstheyoung's master
January 11, 2020
CAST: Andrew Bryant (2nd u/s Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Andy Mace (u/s Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geleen (2nd u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon Morrey (u/s Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Bradley John, Lisa Bridge, Samantha Lane
NOTES: First Audio from the show of 2020. This is Andy Bryant's 2nd show as Del Boy, his first show was the matinee that same day he did such a great job despite a few line flubs (particularly in down to Margate). This is also Paul's first Saturday night back and with such a receptive audience he was going above and beyond to get those laughs. Speaking of the audience, sometimes a bit of talking, heckling and singing can be heard but this is not often. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
February 3, 2020
Cast: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Jeff Nicholason (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Peter Baker (Trigger), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Dating Agent)
Notes: whattradingcando’s master
February 8, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Chris Kiely (u/s Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Andrew Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Bradley John, Lee Van Geleen, Lisa Bridge, Samantha Lane
NOTES: Last Matinee for Diane, Peter G and Adam
February 8, 2020
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Dianne Pilkington (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Pete Gallagher (Danny Driscoll), Adam Venus (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Andrew Bryant, Bradley John, Lee Van Geleen, Lisa Bridge, Samantha Lane
NOTES: Final night for the Original West End Cast. Last show for Dianne, Adam and Peter. During Uncle Albert's "During the War" speech he substitues Green Parrot Disease for the Corona Virus, the cast all break character on stage. A VERY lively audience, a lot of cheers and applause. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
February 26, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Rhys Owen (u/s Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Bradley John, Christopher Arkeston, Lisa Bridge, Samantha Lane
NOTES: First known audio of the new cast members (Ashleigh, Rhys and Chris A) Also first one of Oscar in his new track as Danny. There has been a few line changes since the cast change. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
March 14, 2020 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various)
NOTES: Paul breaks character during Uncle Albert's phone call, dancing around the Corona topic, this is greatly recieved by the audience. When Del says "well its all epidemic" that also receives a cheer despite that being a normal line in the show. 2nd to last performance (last being that night) before west end shut down. First known audio of Andy as lead Tony. My master (its-all-green's master). Never to be sold.
October 1, 2021 | Re-opening night
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Rhys Owen, Chrostopher Parkinson, Lisa Bridge, Sam Lane, Bradley John
NOTES: Re-Opening Night!
October 2, 2021| Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Rhys Owen, Chrostopher Parkinson, Lisa Bridge, Sam Lane, Bradley John
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. Second show back after reopening and there has been a few line changes. Ryan starts laughing when Del comes out in his Leopard print underpants.
Tracked & Untracked
October 8, 2021
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Granddad, Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Chris Bennett (Sid), Peter Baker (Trigger), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Andy Mace (Mike the Barman), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Danny Discoll, Dating Agent, Barista, Italian Waiter), Andrew Bryant (Tony Discoll, Cripps), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko, Wedding Fitter), Philip Childs, Gemma Salter (s/w)
NOTES: Slip-up happens when Delboy comes in wearing a pair of leopard print underwear and Rodney's actor corpses and has to recover, while Delboy and Grandad egg the audience on for a bit. Paul's section as Uncle Albert is difficult to hear because the audience are laughing so loudly. Audience were loving it so there was some chatting and singing along around me but that only really happens during the opening song and closing number. NFS, trade how you like. Please credit Mad March Trader as the master
October 9 2021 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Andy Mace (u/s Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll/ Dating Agent), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll)
Notes: Batbootlegs’ master. Lee's and Andy's re-debuts as trigger and Boycie respectively.
October 12, 2021| Matinee | NFT, Gifting only
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Rhys Owen, Chrostopher Parkinson, Lisa Bridge, Sam Lane, Bradley John
NOTES: HeyMcFly!’s master For gifting only, please do not use for trades.
October 29, 2021
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll/ Dating Agent), Rhys Owen (u/s Tony Driscoll) Phillip Childs (u/s Mike the Barman) Lia Bridge, Sam Lane, Christopher Arkeston, Bradley John.
NOTES: With Lee covering trigger his ensemble track was split between Bradley and Chris A (Chris A was sunglasses Ron while Bradley did the rest). Andy Mace was off too so Phillip did his track. Lively Friday night audience.
Tracked and Untracked
December 11, | Evening
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Lisa Bridge (u/s Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Lee Van Geelan (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Sam Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Philip Childs (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Rhys Owen, Christopher Arkeston, Bradley John
Notes: First known audio of the show after Samantha Seager left. Sam Lane has taken over the role of Marlene and still does part of her old ensemble track as Marlene. Bradley was doing his track + Lees. Chris A was doing his track + Lisa's. Lisa is now first cover Raquel and has really settled into playing her and sounds much more confident now compared to her debut. Its-all-green's master
Tracked & Untracked
December 29, 2021 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Chris Kiely (u/s Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Christopher Arkeston (2nd u/s Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Rhys Owen (u/s Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lee Van Geelan, Philip Childs, Danny Bayne (s/w)
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Through master only until Jan 12th 2022. Lisa's first show back after having covid. Cut ensemble. Rhys did part of Lisa's ensemble track in West End Wendy. Sam Lane did Lisa's dance in Where have all the cockney's gone as Marlene. Danny Bayne came on just to do Lisa's part in Mange Tout (and wasn't even seen again at curtain call??). Rhys covered the Peckham rap in Gaze into my Ball. Chris added a mask joke in the POTO sketch. Peter got a dry throat just before Gaze into my ball and added an extra joke that he had a "Dog in his throat" which caused the others on stage to corpse and Chris K had to give him something to drink. Includes a speech at the end by Paul Whitehouse thanking the audience for being there.
Tracked & Untracked
January 8, 2022 | Evening
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (u/s Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Danny Bayne (2nd u/s Boycie), Sam Lane (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Lee Van Geelan (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Philip Childs (u/s Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Lee Van Geelan (Dating Agent and Various), Rhys Owen, Christopher Arkeston, Lisa Bridge
Notes: Its-all-green's master. NFT through master only until Jan 22nd. First known audio of Danny Bayne as Boycie! A bit of a chatty audience at times but it is stuff about the show. Includes Tom's speech thanking the audience for attending the performance.
February 26, 2022 | Matinée
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Andy Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll, Dating Agent, and Various), Rhys Own (u/s Cripps/Tony Driscoll), Andy Mace (Mike the Barman), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid)
NOTES: Mad March Trader's master. Recorded from the front row.
March 26, 2021 | Matinee
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Lisa Bridge (u/s Cassandra), Lee Van Geelan (u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Bradley John (2nd u/s Dating Agent, and Various), Danny Banye (3rd u/s Danny Driscoll) Rhys Own (u/s Cripps/Tony Driscoll), Phillip Childs (Mike the Barman), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Leanne Garetty (s/w Lisa's track) Notes: Its-all-green's master First known audio of Danny as Danny and of Leanne in Lisa's "Sharron" track. Bradley did some of his usual ensemble track + dating agent. Del flubbed the "mum why have you got Welsh accent line" as Bradley started his doctor off as Welsh then changed to Jamaican?? Audience were really into it.
April 4, 2021
CAST: Chris Bennett (alt. Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Chris Kiely (2nd u/s Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Christopher Arkeston (2nd u/s Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Dating Agent, and Various), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Danny Driscoll) Rhys Own (u/s Cripps/Tony Driscoll), Darren Tough (3rd u/s Mike the Barman), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (u/s Sid), Leanne Garetty (s/w Lisa's track), Bradley John, Danny Bayne (s/w Chris B's track)
Notes: Its-all-green's master, NFT Through master until April 18. First known audio of Chris K as Trigger & Darren as Mike. Bradley was doing a split track, his and Lee's.
May 28, 2022 | Act 1 Only
CAST: Chris Bennett (alt. Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Dating Agent, and Various), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Danny Driscoll) Andy Bryant (Cripps/Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geelan (u/s Mike the Barman), Lisa Bridge (u/s Dorris( Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (u/s Sid), Nicola Munns (s/w Lisa's track), Bradley John, Danny Bayne (s/w Chris B's track), Darren Tough (s/w Rhys' track)
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. A fun Saturday night show, Chris choose me for the market spiel and ad-libbed some bits. Adrian even added some extra bits. First known audio of Lisa as Doris/Mrs. O and my phone sadly did not record act 2.
May 28, 2022
CAST: Chris Bennett (alt. Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Dating Agent, and Various), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (Danny Driscoll) Andy Bryant (Cripps/Tony Driscoll), Lee Van Geelan (u/s Mike the Barman), Lisa Bridge (u/s Dorris ( Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon-Morrey (u/s Sid), Nicola Munns (s/w Lisa's track), Bradley John, Danny Bayne (s/w Chris B's track), Darren Tough (s/w Rhys' track)
NOTES: Same show as my master above but full recording and different master. So this would be the first full recording of Lisa as Doris/Mrs O.
June 25, 2022
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Seager (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), (Tony Driscoll), Lisa Bridge ( u/s Doris (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lee Van Geelan (u/s Mike the Barman)
July 30, 2022 | Evening
CAST: Chris Bennet (alt. Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Sam Lane (Marlene), Bradley John (u/s Denzil) Andy Bryant (u/s Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Rhys Owen (u/s Tony Driscoll), Phillip Childs (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Oscar Conlon Morrey (u/s Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lee Van Geelan, Nicola Munns (s/w, Danny Bayne (s/w)
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Through master until August 13. Lee was doing his usual Sun Glasses Ron track + Bradley's. Nicola was on for Lisa. Danny was in Chris' track. Chris flubbed a line, he got the age difference between Del and Rodney mixed up.
August 3, 2022 | Matinée
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Lee Van Geleen (u/s Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Chris Arkeston (2nd u/s Mickey Pearce), Rhys Owen (u/s Tony Driscoll), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll, Dating Agent, and Various), Philip Childs (Mike the Barman), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Leanne Garretty (s/w), Philip Childs, Lisa Bridge, Chris Bennett, Danny Bayne, Darren Tough
NOTES: MadMarchtrader's master Recorded on Sony IC recorder. Act One is slightly muffled compared to Act Two because my bag stap fell slightly infront of the recorder, but is still very clear. A person in the third row shouts out 'Hello Rodney' during the theatre scene, resulting in some nice ad-libbing. It happens again at the line "More chance of Trigger getting my name right" just before Del Boy's call to the Driscolls.
October 1, 2022 | Evening
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Andy Mace (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Pippa Duffy (Cassandra), Peter Baker (Trigger), Jeff Nicholson (Boycie), Samantha Lane (Marlene), Adrian Irvine (Denzil), Chris Kiely (Mickey Pearce), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Danny Driscoll), Andrew Bryant (Tony Driscoll), Phillip Childs (Mike), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko), Chris Bennett (Sid), Oscar Conlon Morrey (Dating Agent and Various), Lee Van Geelan, Rhys Owen, Chrostopher Arkeston, Leanne Garretey (s/w), Bradley John, Darren Trough, Danny Bayne, Nicola Munns
Notes: Final performance for Pippa, Peter, Jeff, Sam, Oscar, Phillip, Chris B, Rhys, Bradley and Darren. Last lead Grandad show for Andy and last lead Mickey show for Chris K. Last ensemble show for LeeLisa left the day before so Leanne was in her track. All swings were on stage for the final show. Lots of extra applause tonight. Tom and Ryan were very emotional in the wedding scene. Everyone was crying in holding on. Sadly no speeches as they were not allowed.
April 29, 2023 | Evening | Closing performance
CAST: Tom Bennett (Del Boy), Ryan Hutton (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Ashleigh Gray (Raquel), Nicola Munns (Marlene/Cassandra), Lee Van Geelan (Trigger), Craig Berry (Boycie), Adrian Irvine (Denzil),Danny Lane (Dating Agent & Sid) Danny Bayne (Mickey Pearce/Danny Driscoll), Melanie Marshall (Mrs Obooko/Wedding Fitter) Andrew Bryant (Mike The Barman/Mr. Cripps), Darryl Paul, Ian Gareth Jones, Wesley Charles, Andy Mace, Gemma Maclean, Chris Kiely, Leanne Garretty
NOTES: Its-all-green's master, NFT through master until May 13. Last performance of Only Fools at the Theatre Royal haymarket. An emotional night for all of the cast.
UK Tour
Septmber 28, 2024 | Matinee | Bromley
Cast: Sam Lupton (Del Boy), Tom Major (Rodney), Paul Whitehouse (Grandad/Uncle Albert), Georgina Hagen (Raquel), Nicola Munns (Cassandra/Marlene), Craig Berry (Boycie), Lee VG (Trigger), Denzil (Bradley John), Petter Watts (Mickey Pearce/Danny Driscoll), Richard J Hunt (Dating Agent/Theatre Announcer/Others), Darryl Paul (Mike/Tonny Driscoll/Cripps), Glora Acquaah-Harrison (Mrs. Obooko), Kieran Andrew (Skinner), Andrew Bryant (Jumbo Mills), Philip Childs (Phil), Amanda Coutts (Tina), Rhys Owen (Em), Christopher Arkeston (Monley Harris), Oscar Dobbins (Roy Taylor), Katie Paine (Sharon)
NOTES: its-all-green's master, NFT Until Oct 12. End of the shows first week on tour. His name is Derek Trotter has been cut., show now opens with the title song. a few new lines have been added. Sam is just brilliant as Del as is the rest of the new tour cast.