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Just For One Day


Old Vic London

January 26, 2024 | Preview

Cast: Craig Els (Bob), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Collette Guitart (Maria), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger), Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia)

Notes: Very Theatrical Trades Master. First Preview, Front Row which meant that the audio has occasional Blow out as its a Loud show.



January 29, 2024 | Preview

CAST: Julie Atherton (Margaret), Jason Battersby (David), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Olly Dobson (John), Joe Edgar (Tim), Craige Els (Bob), Jo Foster (Bernie), Collette Guitart (Maria), James Hameed (Khalil), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Freddie Love (Skye), Joel Montague (Harvey), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger)
NOTES: forfivemoreminutes' master. 3rd preview



January 30, 2024 | Preview 

CAST: Julie Atherton (Margaret), Jason Battersby (David), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Olly Dobson (John), Joe Edgar (Tim), Craige Els (Bob), Jo Foster (Bernie), Collette Guitart (Maria), James Hameed (Khalil), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Freddie Love (Skye), Joel Montague (Harvey), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger) NOTES: Please mark as sitting-in-my-hotel’s master. Tracked by hadesishere. Not for sale. NFT except through master until 07/03/24.



February 1, 2024 | Preview

CAST: Julie Atherton (Margaret), Jason Battersby (David), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Olly Dobson (John), Joe Edgar (Tim), Craige Els (Bob), Jo Foster (Bernie), Collette Guitart (Maria), James Hameed (Khalil), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Freddie Love (Skye), Joel Montague (Harvey), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger)

NOTES: AGlitzyFinale's master



February 10, 2023 | Matinee | Preview 

CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024) Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger)Abiona Omonua (Amara), Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David) Ashely Campbell (Jim), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia)

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Untul February 24th. Amazing show with an even more amazing cast. This was their first double show day. Tracked


February 16, 2024

CAST: Julie Atherton (Margaret), Jason Battersby (David), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Olly Dobson (John), Joe Edgar (Tim), Craige Els (Bob), Jo Foster (Bernie), Collette Guitart (Maria), James Hameed (Khalil), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Freddie Love (Skye), Joel Montague (Harvey), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger)

NOTES: batbootlegs' master



February 21, 2024 | Matinee

CAST: CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Kerry Enright (s/w Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Cassiopeia Berkeley-Agyepong (s/w Adwoa), Dyd Wynford (s/w Malcom), Jason Battersbey (David)

NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Until March 6. Cassiopeia's debut. She was in Tamara's Alicia track. Dyd was in Freddie's Skye track. Kerry's 2nd show as Margret.



March 8, 2024

CAST: Eddie Mann (u/s Bob), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Rhys Wilkinson (u/s John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Rachel Moran (s/w Paige), Jo Foster (Bernie), AJ Lewis (s/w Kai), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David)

NOTES: Rachel on for Collette & Aj on for Rhys



March 9, 2024 | Evening

CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Rachel Moran (u/s Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Rhys Wilkinson (u/s John), James Hameed (u/s Harvey), Cassiopeia Berkeley-Agyepong (u/s Marsha), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), Dyd Wynford (s/w Malcom), Kerry Enright (s/w Bella), Jo Foster (Bernie), AJ Lewis (s/w Kai), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David)

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until March 23. Crazy cover show. Matinee had to be cancelled to give swings a chance to cut and learn tracks. Kerry did the singing part of Collette's track while AJ did the dancing and sang for Rhy' track. Rhys did the dancing part of his normal track as well as covering John. Dyd covered James' track.



March 12, 2024 | NFT

Cast: Jack Shalloo (Midge), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Joel Montague (Harvey), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Jason Battersby (David), Jo Foster (Bernie), Julie Atherton (Margaret), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Olly Dobson (John), John Edgar (Tim), Craige Els (Bob), James Hameed (Khalil), Freddie Love (Skye), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger), Tamara Tare (Alicia) 

Notes: augustandclouds' Some very beautiful voices in the cast Only to be traded through the master (augustandclouds) Release Format: m4a untracked (124mb) NFT Forever



March 16, 2024 | Matinee 

CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024) Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashely Campbell (Jim)Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger) Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David) , Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia)

Notes: its-all-green's master, NFT Until March 30. Moved to front row in act 2 so that is probably louder.



March 18, 2024

Cast: Craige Els (Bob), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashley Campbell (Jim), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Hope Kenna (Suzanne 1985), Joe Edgar (Tim), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Julie Atherton (Margaret), James Hameed (Khalil), Collette Guitart (Maria), Freddie Love (Skye), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Jason Battersby (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger)

NOTES: whatyouwill's master.



March 26, 2024

CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024), Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shalloo (Midge), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashely Campbell (Jim), Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger), Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia)

NOTES: musicaltheatrelive's master. Loved the energy! Can't wait for the tranfer.



March 29, 2024 

CAST: Craig Els (Bob), Naomi Katiyo (Jemma), Abiona Omonua (Amara), Jackie Clune (Suzanne 2024) Hope Kenna (Suzzane 1985), Jack Shallloo (Midge), Olly Dobson (John), Joel Montague (Harvey), Danielle Steers (Marsha), Ashely Campbell (Jim)Julie Atherton (Margaret), John Edgar (Tim), James Hameed (Khalil), Jo Foster (Bernie), Rhys Wilkinson (Roger) Freddie Love (Skye), Jason Battersbey (David) , Emily Ooi (Ellie), Tamara Tare (Alicia)

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until April 12. Last Friday night show, the show closed on the 30th. The cast were giving it everything, a lot of extra vocal choices were made and everyone was just incredible.



January 29, 2025 | Preview
CAST: Craige Els (Bob), Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky (Amara), Melissa Jacques (Suzanne), Fayth Ifil (Jemma), Kelly Agbowu (Marsha), Ashley Samuels (Jim), George Ure (Midge), Hope Kenna (Young Suzanne) Jack Michael Stacey (Tim), Jake Small (John), Tim Mahendran (Harvey), Julie Atherton (Margaret), James Hameed (Khalil), Eloise Davies (Maria), Jordan Cambridge-Taylor (Stevie), AJ Lewis (Kai), Freddie Love (Skye), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Jason Battersby (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Sadie-Jean Shirely (Willow)

Notes: thebestoneshere's master. Clear audio taken from the front orchestra. This show was so, so, so good. The energy in this performance was unbelievable. This is technically the second preview since the performance I was supposed to be at last night got cancelled last minute. Includes video of the Let It Be encore and the playout. Always gift, as I believe everyone who wants to should hear/see this show. Do not expect this to be my last recording of this show, I intend to go as many times as I can afford. Thanks to its-all-green for tracking this audio.


February 2, 2025 | Matinée | Opening night

Cast: Craige Els (Bob), Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky (Amara), Melissa Jacques (Suzanne), Fayth Ifil (Jemma), Kelly Agbowu (Marsha), Ashley Samuels (Jim), George Ure (Midge), Hope Kenna (Young Suzanne), Jack Michael Stacey (Tim), Jake Small (John), Tim Mahendran (Harvey), Julie Atherton (Margaret), James Hameed (Khalil), Eloise Davies (Maria), Jordan Cambridge-Taylor (Stevie), AJ Lewis (Kai), Freddie Love (Skye), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Jason Battersby (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Sadie-Jean Shirely (Willow)

Notes: firehawk12's master. Includes recording of Bob Geldolf's appearance after curtain call. 

It's-akk-green's notes: I have tracked out a few songs.



February 5, 2025
Cast: Eddie Mann (s/b Bob), Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky (Amara), Kerry Enright (u/s Suzanne), Fayth Ifil (Jemma), Kelly Agbowu (Marsha), Ashley Samuels (Jim), George Ure (Midge), Hope Kenna (Young Suzanne), Jack Michael Stacey (Tim), Jake Small (John), Tim Mahendran (Harvey), Julie Atherton (Margaret), James Hameed (Khalil), Eloise Davies (Maria), Jordan Cambridge-Taylor (Stevie), AJ Lewis (Kai), Freddie Love (Skye), Esme Laudat (s/w Seraphina), Jason Battersby (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie), Sadie-Jean Shirely (Willow)

Notes:  Clear audio of this show after opening. Features the debut of a few covers, some better than others. Esme was in Taamara's track. The coughers at this theatre are back again disrupting shows so I'm sorry about that. Always gift. This is my second time going to this show and I still plan on going back more times.



February 19, 2025

Cast: Craige Els (Bob), Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky (Amara), Melissa Jacques (Suzanne), Fayth Ifil (Jemma), Kelly Agbowu (Marsha), Ashley Samuels (Jim), George Ure (Midge), Hope Kenna (Young Suzanne), Jack Michael Stacey (Tim), Jake Small (John), Tim Mahendran (Harvey), Julie Atherton (Margaret), James Hameed (Khalil), Eloise Davies (Maria), Jordan Cambridge-Taylor (Stevie), AJ Lewis (Kai), Freddie Love (Skye), Tamara Tare (Alicia), Jason Battersby (David), Emily Ooi (Ellie) Master

Notes: couldbenyx's master. Recorded from front orchestra. Near the end of act 2 someone's phone goes off with the duck quacking noise, but it's silenced fairly fast. Includes outro music. 


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