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Audios A-E


The Addams Family

First UK Tour | May 16, 2017

CAST: Cameron Blakely (Gomez Addams), Samantha Womack (Morticia Addams), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Wednesday Addams), Les Dennis (Fester Addams), Grant McIntyre (Pugsley Addams), Valda Aviks (Grandma Addams), Dickon Gough (Lurch), Charlotte Page (Alice Beineke), Dale Rapley (Mal Beineke), Oliver Ormson (Lucas Beineke), Christopher D Hunt, Gavin Eden, Jacob Fisher, Jak Skelly, Jessica Buckby, Kathryn Barnes, Kirsty Ingram, Perola Congo, Rhona McGregor, Scott Paige


First UK Tour | Cardiff | August 3, 2017 | NFT

CAST: Cameron Blakely (Gomez Addams), Samantha Womack (Morticia Addams), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Wednesday Addams), Les Dennis (Fester Addams), Grant McIntyre (Pugsley Addams), Valda Aviks (Grandma Addams), Dickon Gough (Lurch), Charlotte Page (Alice Beineke), Dale Rapley (Mal Beineke), Oliver Ormson (Lucas Beineke)

NOTES: Cardiff Haunts & Hurts's master


First UK Tour | September 28, 2017

CAST: Cameron Blakely (Gomez Addams), Samantha Womack (Morticia Addams), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Wednesday Addams), Scott Paige (u/s Fester Addams), Grant McIntyre (Pugsley Addams), Valda Aviks (Grandma Addams), Dickon Gough (Lurch), Charlotte Page (Alice Beineke), Dale Rapley (Mal Beineke), Oliver Ormson (Lucas Beineke)


Broadway | April 3, 2014 | NFT

CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Jonathan Freeman (Jafar), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Clifton Davis (Sultan), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O'Neill (Kassim), Don Darryl Rivera (Iago), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar)



West End | June 29, 2016

CAST: Dean John-Wilson (Aladdin), Jade Ewen (Jasmine), Trevor Dion Nicholas (Genie), Don Gallagher (Jafar), Peter Howe (Iago), Irvine Iqbal (Sultan), Nathan Amzi (Babhak), Stephen-Rahman Hughes (Kassim), Miles Barrow (u/s Omar), Sadie-Jean Shirley, Marsha Songcome, Michelle Chantelle Hopewell, Ivan de Freitas, Albey Brooks, Daniel de Bourg, Bianca Cordice, Melanie Elizabeth, Seng Henk Goh, Antony Hewitt, Mitch Leow, Ethan Le Phong, Thierry Picaut, Alex Pinder, Briony Scarlett, Kyle Seeley, Dawnita Smith, Jermaine Woods

Notes: Frei-und-schwerlos' master



1NT | January 17, 2018

CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Jonathan Weir (Jafar), Michael James Scott (Genie), JC Montgomery (Sultan), Zach Bencal (Babkak), Mike Longo (Kassim), Reggie De Leon (Iago), Philippe Arroyo (Omar)

Notes: Tokengoat's master



1NT | February 18, 2018 | Matinee | Los Angeles

CAST: Clinton Greenspan (Aladdin), Isabelle McCalla (Jasmine), Jonathan Weir (Jafar), Michael James Scott (Genie), Jerald Vincent (u/s Sultan), Zach Bencal (Babkak), Jed Feder (Kassim), Jay Paranada (Iago), Philippe Arroyo (Omar), Olivia Donalson (Fortune Teller)


Alice By Heart

Off-Broadway | April 5, 2019

CAST: Molly Gordon (Alice Spencer/Alice), Colton Ryan (Alfred Hallam/White Rabbit/March Hare), Wesley Taylor (Harold Pudding/Mad Hatter/Pigeon/Knave of Spades/Mock Mock Turtle), Noah Galvin (Dodgy/Duchess/Dodo/Mock Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Catherine Ricafort (Clarissa/Canary/Queen of Diamonds/Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Zachary Infante (Nigel/Dormouse/Eaglet/Knave of Clubs), Kim Blanck (Tabatha/Cheshire Cat/Caterpillar 2), Grace McLean (Red Cross Nurse/Queen of Hearts/Magpie), Heath Saunders (Angus/Caterpillar/Knave of Hearts), Andrew Kober (Dr Butridge/King of Hearts/Duck/Jabberwocky/Mock Turtle)

Notes OrRatherAGhost's master



Off-Broadway | June 3, 2019

CAST :Molly Gordon (Alice Spencer/Alice), Colton Ryan (Alfred Hallam/White Rabbit/March Hare), Wesley Taylor (Harold Pudding/Mad Hatter/Pigeon/Knave of Spades/Mock Mock Turtle), Noah Galvin (Dodgy/Duchess/Dodo/Mock Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Catherine Ricafort (Clarissa/Canary/Queen of Diamonds/Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Zachary Infante (Nigel/Dormouse/Eaglet/Knave of Clubs), Kim Blanck (Tabatha/Cheshire Cat/Caterpillar 2), Grace McLean (Red Cross Nurse/Queen of Hearts/Magpie), Heath Saunders (Angus/Caterpillar/Knave of Hearts), Andrew Kober (Dr Butridge/King of Hearts/Duck/Jabberwocky/Mock Turtle)

Notes: Tracked and clear audio. OrRatherAGhost’s master



Off-Broadway | October 2, 2019 | Matinee

CAST: Natalie Walker (u/s Alice Spencer/Alice), Colton Ryan (Alfred Hallam/White Rabbit/March Hare), Wesley Taylor (Harold Pudding/Mad Hatter/Pigeon/Knave of Spades/Mock Mock Turtle), Michael Hartung (u/s Dodgy/Duchess/Dodo/Mock Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Catherine Ricafort (Clarissa/Canary/Queen of Diamonds/Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Zachary Infante (Nigel/Dormouse/Eaglet/Knave of Clubs), Kim Blanck (Tabatha/Cheshire Cat/Caterpillar 2), Grace McLean (Red Cross Nurse/Queen of Hearts/Magpie), Heath Saunders (Angus/Caterpillar/Knave of Hearts), Andrew Kober (Dr Butridge/King of Hearts/Duck/Jabberwocky/Mock Turtle)

Notes: StarCuffedJeans’ master


All Shook up

The Muny, St. Louis | July 19, 2017

CAST: Tim Rogan (Chad), Caroline Bowman (Natalie Haller/Ed), Liz Mikel (Sylvia), Ciara Alyse Harris (Lorraine), Garrett Riggins (Dennis), Lara Teeter (Jim Haller), Hollis Resnik (Mayor Matilda Hyde), Paul Schwensen (Dean Hyde), Jerry Vogel (Sheriff Earl), Felicia Finley (Miss Sandra)



Broadway | November 19, 2015

CAST: Elena Wang (u/s Kei Kimura), George Takei (Sam Kimura/Ojii-chan), Telly Leung (Sammy Kimura), Katie Rose Clarke (Hannah Campbell), Michael K Lee (Frankie Suzuki), Christòpheren Nomura (Tatsuo Kimura), Greg Watanabe (Mike Masaoka), Darren Lee (Dr. Tanaka/Ben Masaoka), Rumi Oyama (Mrs. Tanaka), Catherine Ricafort (Betsy Tanaka), Scott Watanabe (Mr. Maruyama), Janelle Toyomi Dote (Mrs. Maruyama/Executor), Momoko Sugai (Peggy Maruyama), Marcus Choi (Johnny Goto), Manna Nichols (u/s Nan Goto), Dan Horn (Private Evans/Recruiting Officer/Big Band Singer), Scott Wise (Director Dillon/Farmer/Photographer), Kevin Munhall (Private Knight/Federal Agent/Tule Lake Guard)

NOTES: Elena's first as Kei and Manna's ensemble debut. oydtrade's master



West End | May 21, 2021 | Preview

CAST: Audrey Brisson (Amélie Poulain), Chris Jared (Nino Quincampoix), Johnson Willis (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), Jez Unwin (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Rachel Dawson (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Kate Robson-Stuart (Suzanne), Sioned Saunders (Gina), Flora Spencer-Longhurst (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Caolan McCarthy (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Oliver Grant (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Samuel Morgan-Grahame (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Jack Quarton (Blind Beggar), Matthew James Hinchliffe (Raymond),  Robyn Sinclair (Cecile), Miiya Alexandra (Delphine), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Jean-Yves)

Notes: hadesishere's master

Tracked and Untracked

American Idiot

Broadway | April 20, 2010 |Opening Night

CAST: John Gallagher Jr (Johnny), Michael Esper (Will), Stark Sands (Tunny), Tony Vincent (St. Jimmy), Rebecca Naomi Jones (Whatsername), Mary Faber (Heather), Christina Sajous (Extraordinary Girl), Alysha Umphress, Andrew Call, Ben Thompson, Brian Charles Johnson, Chase Peacock, Declan Bennett, Gerard Canonico, Joshua Henry, Libby Winters, Miguel Cervantes, Morgan Weed, Theo Stockman



Off-West End | July 28, 2015

CAST: Aaron Sidwell (Johnny), Steve Rushton (Will), Alexis Gerred (Tunny), Lucas Rush (St. Jimmy), Amelia Lily (Whatsername), Natasha J Barnes (Heather), Raquel Jones (Extraordinary Girl), Ross William Wild (Favorite Son)

Notes: Toomuchlove635's master



Vancouver | Fighting Chance Productions | August 5, 2016 

CAST: Tristan Smith (Johnny), Ross Foster (Will), Nick Heffelfinger (Tunny), Myles MJ McCarthy (St. Jimmy), Elaine Bevans (Whatsername), Allyson Fournier (Heather), Tiana Swan (Extraordinary Girl), Brett Dick (Gerard), Gina Foster (Gina), Max Friesen (Miguel), Jim Howe (Joshua), Thomas King (Theo), Rana Laviolette (Leslie), Dylan Leonard (Ben), Steven Masson (Declan), Leo Personnaz (Chase), Mariela Shuley (Alysha), Emma Wong (Libby), Joey Wong (Brian)

Notes: Soilioquyy's master



Third UK Tour | April 4, 2019 | Manchester

CAST: Tom Milner (Johnny), Samuel Pope (Will), Joshua Dowen (Tunny), Luke Friend (St. Jimmy), Sam Lavery (Whatsername), Siobhan O'Driscoll (Heather), Raquel Jones (Extraordinary Girl)

Notes: Batbootleg's master



Third UK Tour |May 31, 2019 | Glasgow 

CASR: Tom Milner (Johnny), Luke Friend (St Jimmy), Sam Lavery (Whatshername), Joshua Dowen (Tunny), Samuel Pope (Johnny), Alexandra Robinson (Libby), Christian Tyler-Wood (Declan), Glenn Adamson (Theo), Laura Marie Benson (Lesley), Lucas Rush (Rock N Roll Boyfriend), Raquel Jones (Extraordinary Girl), Rory Maguire (Gerard), Ross William Wild (Favourite Son), Siobhan O'Driscoll (Heather), Shekinah McFarlane (Alysha), Jennifer Caldwell (On stage swing), Daniel Law (Off stage swing)

NOTES: hausofbootlegs' Master



Third UK Tour |July 10, 2019 | Liverpool
Cast: Tom Milner (Johnny), Joshua Dowen (Tunny), Samuel Pope (Will), Luke Friend (St. Jimmy), Sam Lavery (Whatsername), Siobhan O'Driscoll (Heather), Raquel Jones (Extraordinary Girl), Rory Maguire, Glenn Adamson, Shekinah McFarlance, Laura Marie Benson, Alexandra Robinson, Jennifer Caldwell, Daniel Law, Christian Tyler Wood



Broadway | September 16, 2017

CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Nicole Scimeca (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lauren Blackman (Tsarina Alexandra), Constantine Germanacos (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Allison Walsh (Olga Romanov), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Sissy Bell (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Ken Krugman (Gorlinsky), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), James A Pierce III (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman)

Notes: ThatWasJulia's master


Broadway | March 25, 2018

CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Max von Essen (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Nicole Scimeca (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lauren Blackman (Tsarina Alexandra), Constantine Germanacos (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Lyrica Woodruff (Olga Romanov), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Sissy Bell (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), Alex Aquilino (u/s Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman), Bruce Landry, Janet Dickinson, Kevin Munhall, Stephen Brower

NOTES: Derek Klena, Caroline O’Connor, Kevin Munhall, and Julia Morgan’s last performance. Derek got a huge applause after My Petersburg. Caroline got a huge applause during Land of Yesterday and during Countess and the Common Man, someone in the audience yells "do it again" after the kiss. John and Caroline looked like they were trying so hard not to break character by laughing at the comment. Derkklenaa's master


Angels In America: Millennium Approaches

Off Broadway (Signature) | March 13, 2011 | Matinee

CAST: Michael Urie (Prior Walter), Adam Driver (Louis Ironson), Sofia Jean Gomez (The Angel), Bill Heck (Joe Pitt), Keira Keeley (Harper Pitt), Frank Wood (Roy Cohn), Lynne McCollough (Hannah Pitt), Billy Porter (Belize)



Second Broadway Revival | April 5, 2013

CAST: Lilla Crawford (Annie), Katie Finneran (Miss Hannigan), Anthony Warlow (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Brynn O'Malley (Grace Farrell), Clarke Thorell (Rooster Hannigan), J Elaine Marcos (Lily St. Regis)



Second Broadway Revival | August 6, 2013

CAST: Taylor Richardson (Annie), Faith Prince (Miss Hannigan), Anthony Warlow (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Brynn O'Malley (Grace Farrell), Clarke Thorell (Rooster Hannigan), Ashley Blanchet (u/s Lily St. Regis), Danette Holden (u/s Star to Be), Jeremy Davis (Bert Healy), Merwin Foard (Franklin D. Roosevelt)



Encores! | July 14, 2017

CAST: Ethan Lipton (The Proprietor), Clifton Duncan (The Balladeer), Cory Michael Smith (Lee Harvey Oswald), Steven Pasquale (John Wilkes Booth), Victoria Clark (Sara Jane Moore), Erin Mackey (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Steven Boyer (John Hinckley, Jr.), Danny Wolohan (Samuel Byck), Alex Brightman (Giuseppe Zangara), Shuler Hensley (Leon Czolgosz), John Ellison Conlee (Charles Guiteau), Andrew Durand, Damian Baldet, Eddie Cooper, Eryn Lecroy, Hudson Loverro, Pearl Sun

Notes: YFR1123's master



Encores! | July 15, 2017

CAST: Ethan Lipton (The Proprietor), Clifton Duncan (The Balladeer), Cory Michael Smith (Lee Harvey Oswald), Steven Pasquale (John Wilkes Booth), Victoria Clark (Sara Jane Moore), Erin Mackey (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Steven Boyer (John Hinckley, Jr.), Danny Wolohan (Samuel Byck), Alex Brightman (Giuseppe Zangara), Shuler Hensley (Leon Czolgosz), John Ellison Conlee (Charles Guiteau)

NOTES: Wonderful quality audio taken from the left front mezzanine! Little interruption in the beginning when someone had the wrong seat and had to move. The same guy also sneezes loudly during a dialogue scene but after that there’s no interruptions. Today4UTomorrow4Netflix



Encores! | July 17, 2017

CAST: Ethan Lipton (The Proprietor), Cory Michael Smith (Balladeer/Lee Harvey Oswald), Clifton Duncan (The Balladeer), Cory Michael Smith (Lee Harvey Oswald), Steven Pasquale (John Wilkes Booth), Victoria Clark (Sara Jane Moore), Erin Mackey (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Steven Boyer (John Hinckley, Jr.), Danny Wolohan (Samuel Byck), Alex Brightman (Giuseppe Zangara), Shuler Hensley (Leon Czolgosz), John Ellison Conlee (Charles Guiteau)



Sheffield | April 1, 2006 |Closing Night | Highlights

CAST: Matt Rawle (The Balladeer), Matthew Cross (Lee Harvey Oswald), Hadley Fraser (John Wilkes Booth), Josie Walker (Sara Jane Moore), Penny Layden (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), James Gillian (John Hinckley, Jr.), Gerard Murphy (Samuel Byck), Richard Colvin (Giuseppe Zangara), Billy Carter (Leon Czolgosz), Ian Bartholomew (Charles Guiteau)



Avenue Q

West End |June 28, 2006 | Opening Night

CAST: Jon Robyns (Princeton/Rod), Julie Atherton (Kate Monster/Lucy the Slut), Simon Lipkin (Nicky/Trekkie/Bad Idea Bear), Giles Terrera (Gary Coleman), Ann Harada (Christmas Eve), Clare Foster (Mrs. Thistletwat/Bad Idea Bear), Siôn Lloyd (Brian)



West End | November 12, 2023 
Cast: Chloe Bell (Grace), Jaina Brock-Patel (Becky), Lucy Carter (Lulu), Lauren Conroy (Jasmine), Jacob Dachtler (Jacob), Ashley Goh (Alex), Christian Maynard (Ben), Morgan Philips (Toby) and Shakira Riddell-Morales (Leah)
NOTES: bway_bean's audio master

Off-West End | June 16, 2024 | Matinée
Cast: Viola Maisey (Grace), Zoë Athena (Leah), Bradley Riches (Toby), Rowan Macpherson (s/b Jasmine), Lucy Carter (Lulu), Max Mulrenan (Ben), Ashley Goh (Alex), Jaina Brock-Patel (Becky), Nathan Johnston (Jacob)

Notes: Rowan’s debut as Jasmine


Off-West End | June 23, 2024 | Matinee 
Cast: Zoë Athena (Leah),  Lauren Conroy (Jasmine), Jaina Brock-Patel (Becky), Max Mulrenan (Ben), Lucy Carter (Lulu), Viola Maisey (Grace), Bradley Riches (Toby),  Rowan Macpherson (s/b Alex), Nathan Johnston (Jacob)
NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until July 7. Rowan's Alex debut!


Off-West End | June 26, 2024
Cast: Viola Maisey (Grace), Grace Towning (s/b Leah), Bradley Riches (Toby), Lauren Conroy (Jasmine), Rowan Macpherson (s/b Lulu), Max Mulrenan (Ben), Ashley Goh (Alex), Jaina Brock-Patel (Becky), Nathan Johnston (Jacob)
Notes: AGlitzyFinale's master. Good audio of a 2 cover show and Grace’s Leah debut. Very enthusiastic audience.



Off-West End | July 16 2024 | Evening

CAST: Viola Maisey (Grace), Zoë Athena (Leah), Bradley Riches (Toby), Lauren Conroy (Jasmine), Lucy Carter (Lulu), Max Mulrenan (Ben), Ashley Goh (Alex), Jaina Brock-Patel (Becky), Nathan Johnston (Jacob)

NOTES: Recorded from the second row. Closing night! Very clear audio. Includes a video of the curtain call, and 2 short videos I took at the interval. The 3 covers came out during the finale and for the curtain call. Very reactive audience. Different to AGlitzyFinale's master. Please gift upon request.



Broadway | April 1, 2017 | Preview

CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Alex Bender (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams)

NOTES: Second Preview putawaythefaitytale's master



Broadway | April 26, 2017 | Opening Night

CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), Nate Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Alex Bender (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams)

Notes: HBCFG's master



Studio Demo | 2003 | Highlights

CAST: Elaine Caswell, Rob Evan, Karine Hannah, Jim Steinman

NOTES: 9 tracks demo of a Steinman adaptation. Mostly acoustic demo, with some Synth and drumbox. Actually 7 songs, plus 2 remixed versions of "Not Allowed To Love"


Be More Chill

Off-Broadway | September 30, 2018 | Closing Night

CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)

NOTES: Last Off-Broadway Showing



Off-West End | February 15, 2020 | Matinee | Preview

CAST: Scott Folan (Jeremy Heere), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael Mell), Miracle Chance (Christine Canigula), Stewart Clarke (The SQUIP), Eloise Davies (Brooke Lohst), Millie O’Connell (Chloe Valentine), Renée Lamb (Jenna Rolan), Miles Paloma (Jake Dillinger), James Hameed (Rich Goranski), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)



Off-West End | February 27, 2021 | Matinee           

CAST: Scott Folan (Jeremy Heere), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael Mell), Miracle Chance (Christine Canigula), Stewart Clarke (The SQUIP), Eloise Davies (Brooke Lohst), Millie O’Connell (Chloe Valentine), Renée Lamb (Jenna Rolan), Miles Paloma (Jake Dillinger), James Hameed (Rich Goranski), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)

Notes: Queenofthedead's master



West End | June 30 2021

CAST: Scott Folan (Jeremy Heere), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael Mell), Miracle Chance (Christine Canigula), Stewart Clarke (The SQUIP), Eloise Davies (Brooke Lohst), Millie O’Connell (Chloe Valentine), Renée Lamb (Jenna Rolan), Miles Paloma (Jake Dillinger), James Hameed (Rich Goranski), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)

Notes: Opening night of the Shaftesbury Theatre run. lasagnatrades’ master

Tracked and Untracked


September 2, 2021

Scott Folan (Jeremy), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael), Miracle Chance (Christine), Stewart Clarke (The Squip), Eloise Davies (Brooke), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reeves), James Hameed (Rich), Grace Mouat (Chloe), Nathania Ong (Jenna), Miles Paloma (Jake)

Notes: honeycat453’s master


Beauty and the Beast (Disney)

Broadway | October 1, 2003

CAST: Megan McGinnis (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), JB Adams (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), David DeVries (Lumière), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts), Jeff Brooks (Cogsworth), Mary Stout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Pam Klinger (Babette), Steve Lavner (Le Fou)



UK Tour | July 2, 2009 | Matinee

CAST: Ashley Oliver (Belle), Shaun Dalton (Beast/Prince), Richard Colson (Maurice), Ben Harlow (Gaston), Phil Barley (Lumière), Marnie Baumer (Mrs. Potts), Ashley Knight (Cogsworth), Eddie Dredge (Le Fou)



2nd UK Tour | August 26 | Opening Night | Bristol

Cast: Courtney Stapleton (Belle), Emmanuel Kojo (Beast), Gavin Lee (Lumiere), Tom Senior (Gaston), Sam Bailey (Mrs Potts), Nigel Richards (Cogsworth), Martin Ball (Maurice), Samantha Bingley (Wardrobe), Emma Caffrey (Babette), Louis Stockil (Le Fou) 

Notes: Iseestars' master. Opening night of the tour. amazing cast and production, includes speech from director at the beginning of act one audio.



2nd UK Tour | August 27 | Bristol

Cast: Courtney Stapleton (Belle), Emmanuel Kojo (Beast), Gavin Lee (Lumiere), Tom Senior (Gaston), Sam Bailey (Mrs Potts), Nigel Richards (Cogsworth), Martin Ball (Maurice), Samantha Bingley (Wardrobe), Emma Caffrey (Babette), Louis Stockil (Le Fou) 

Notes: Second performance of the tour



Bend it like Beckham

West End - May 16, 2015 | Preview | NFT

CAST: Natalie Dew (Jess), Lauren Samuels (Jules), Jamie Campbell Bower (Joe), Sophie-Louise Dann (Paula), Jamal Andreas (Tony), Preeya Kalidas (Pinky), Natasha Jayetileke (Mrs Bhamra), Tony Jayawardena (Mr Bhamra). 

NOTES: 2nd Preview. Mycornerofthesky's master



West End | February 24, 2016 | Matinee

CAST: Natalie Dew (Jess), Lauren Samuels (Jules), Jamie Muscato (Joe), Sophie-Louise Dann (Paula), Jamal Andreas (Tony), Preeya Kalidas (Pinky), Natasha Jayetileke (Mrs Bhamra), Tony Jayawardena (Mr Bhamra)

Motes: Cynicale's master


Big Fish

Off-West End | November 23, 2017 | Matinee

CAST: Kelsey Grammer (Edward Bloom), Jamie Muscato (Story Edward), Matthew Seadon-Young (Will Bloom), Clare Burt (Sandra Bloom), Laura Baldwin (Story Sandra), Frances McNamee (Josephine Bloom), Dean Nolan (Karl), Forbes Masson (Amos Calloway), Forbes Masson (Don Price), Landi Oshinowo (The Witch), Landi Oshinowo (Jenny Hill), Tanisha Spring (Story Jenny), Sophie Linder-Lee (Mermaid/Librarian), George Ure (Zacky Price), Gemma McMeel (Peggy/Girl with Cat), Colby Mulgrew (Boy)

Notes: Bootlietts's master


Billy Elliot

West End | March 31, 2010

CAST: Tom Holland (Billy Elliot), Barnaby Meredith (Older Billy), Joanna Riding (Mrs. Wilkinson), Joe Caffrey (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Craig Gallivan (Tony), Connor Kelly (Michael), David Nellist (George), Samantha Seager (Mum), Sean Kingsley (Mr. Braithwaite), Francesca Mango (Debbie)

NOTES: Special performance for the 5th anniversary of the show, includes speeches by Stephen Daldry, Lee Hall and Elton John, as well as a special finale number



West End | March 12, 2016

CAST: Thomas Hazelby (Billy Elliot), Ruthie Henshall (Mrs. Wilkinson), Deka Walmsley (Dad), Gillian Elsa (Grandma), Matthew Seadon-Young (Tony), Nathan Jones (Michael), Craig Armstrong (u/s George), Sharon Sexton (u/s Mum), Ross Finnie (u/s Mr. Braithwaite), Hollie Creighton (Debbie)



Winnipeg | January 25, 2016

CAST: Ethan Riberio (Billy Elliot), Brett Taylor (Older Billy), Jennifer Lyon (Mrs. Wilkinson), Cory Wojcik (Dad), Debbie Maslowsky (Grandma), Markian Tarasiuk (Tony), Carter Treneer (Michael), Carson Nattrass (George), Paula Potosky (Mum), Sephen Findlay (Mr. Braithwaite), Katie Welham (Debbie), Demetri Apostolopoulous (Tall Boy), Keenan Lehmann (Small Boy), Aaron Hutton (Posh Dad), Trevor Patt (Big Davey), Brittany Hunter (Clipboard Woman), Rebekah Jones (Lesley)

Notes: Soliloquyy's master


The Book of Mormon

1NT | March 22, 2015 | Matinee

CAST: Billy Harrigan Tighe (Elder Price), AJ Holmes (Elder Cunningham), Alexandra Ncube (Nabulungi), Brian Beach (Elder McKinley), Stanley Wayne Mathis (Mafala Hatimbi), Ron Bohmer (Mission President), Corey Jones (General), Adam Levinskas (Cunningham’s Dad), Josh Breckenridge (Doctor), Ron Bohmer (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President), Carole Denise Jones (Mrs Brown), Melvin Brandon Logan (Guard), Tyrone L Robinson (Guard), Adam Levinskas, Carole Denise Jones, Christopher Faison, Daniel LeClaire, Daniel Plimpton, Ebony Blake, JR Bruno, Josh Breckenridge, Keziah John-Paul, Kristopher Thompson-Bolden, Lacretta Nicole, Logan Hart, Melvin Brandon Logan, Michael Buchanan, Tyler Jones, Tyrone L Robinson

NOTES: Master's notes: First time recording on my iPhone 6. Turns out it has a great microphone and as a result you can hear me snorting even though it was on my lap. Oops. Phone goes in the pocket during curtain call (as you can hear), but the mic side stays up. ​Soliloquyy's master



2NT | October 1, 2016

CAST: Zach Hess (s/b Elder Price), Cody Jamison Strand (Elder Cunningham), Candace Quarrels (Nabulungi), Daxton Bloomquist (Elder McKinley)

Notes: Soliloquyy's master



West End | September 9, 2017

CAST: KJ Hippensteel (Elder Price), David O’Reilly (u/s Elder Cunningham), Chanice Alexander-Burnett (u/s Nabulungi), Stephen Rolley (u/s Elder McKinley), Richard Lloyd-King (Mafala Hatimbi), Dean Maynard (u/s Mission President), Michael Moulton (General), Alex Lodge (Cunningham’s Dad), Nicholas McLean (Doctor), Dean Maynard (u/s Price's Dad), Dean Maynard (u/s Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President), Ngozi Ugoh (Mrs Brown), Rodney Vubya (Guard), Myles Hart (Guard)

Notes: Tinyrevolt's master



National Tour | October 17, 2019

Cast: Liam Tobin, Jordan Matthew Brown, Alyah Chanelle Scott, Andy Huntington Jones, Jacques C. Smith, Corey Jones, Steven Telsey, Ron Bohmer, Sean Seymour, Monica L. Patton, Will Lee-Williams, Teddy Trice, Isaiah Tyrelle Boyd, Daniel Fetter, Amanda Felicia Foote, Patrick Graver, Eddie Grey, Josh Marin, StoneyB. Mootoo, Dylan James Mulvaney, Connor Russell, Matthew Sims, Jr., Brinie Wallace


Burn This

March 29, 2019 | Preview

CAST: Adam Driver (Pale), Brandon Uranowitz (Larry), David Furr (Burton), Keri Russell (Anna)



Broadway | April 5, 2019
Adam Driver (Pale), Brandon Uranowitz (Larry), David Furr (Burton), and Keri Russell (Anna)

NOTES: Hi_im_joe's master



May 18, 2019 | Matinee

CAST: Adam Driver (Pale), Brandon Uranowitz (Larry), David Furr (Burton), Keri Russell (Anna)

NOTES: Adam Driver gives one of the most solid acting performances I've ever seen in my life. I was sitting at the right most seat about twelve rows back. Themusicalspeakeasy's master


But I'm a Cheerleader

Off West End Workshop | February 20, 2019 | Matinee

CAST: Bronté Barbé (Megan), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Graham), Matt Henry (Mike), Luke Bayer (Clayton), Stephen Hogan (Lloyd), Ben Forster (Larry), Jamie Muscato (Jared)

NOTES: MTFest UK 2019 Workshop taster, The Other Palace. Audio of a workshop of selected scenes and songs from act 1. Andplace's master. Not for sale



Off West-End | February 18, 2022 | Preview

CAST: Alice Croft (Megan), Evie Rose Lane (Graham), Lemuel Knights (Mike), Edward Chitticks (Jared/Rock), Tiffany Graves (Mary Brown), Damon Gould (Andre), Harry Singh (Jalal), Jodie Steele (Kimberley/Hilary), Aaron Teoh (Dolph), Kia-Paris Walcott (Sinead), Oliver Brooks (Dad/Larry) and Jodie Jacobs (Mom/Lloyd).

Notes: lookingforsoup's audio. First Preview A couple of sound issues, but overall an enthusiastic audience.



Off West-End | March 5, 2022

CAST: Alice Croft (Megan), Evie Rose Lane (Graham), Jodie Steele (Kimberly/Hilary), Kia-Paris Walcott (Sinead), Jodie Jacobs (Mom/Lloyd), Oliver Brooks (Dad/Larry), Tiffany Graves (Mary Brown), Lemuel Knights (Mike), Edward Chitticks (Jared/Rock), Aaron Teoh (Dolph), Damon Gould (Andre), Harry Singh (Jalal)

NOTES: GloryOfTheSpring’s Master. Lots of notes on this one! The show had to be stopped for technical difficulties after “What If We Were Wrong.” When the show resumed, Jodie was late to her entrance and still wearing the Kimberly bow. She ad-libbed an in-character apology that got tons of laughs. It seems most of the Act One Finale was cut, likely due to Alice recovering from illness. There’s another blooper in Act Two where Edward slips making his exit and the whole cast broke laughing. Includes curtain call video. As usual, feel free to trade and gift but do not post any part publicly, including other servers, and do not sell.



2nd Broadway Revival | October 17, 2003

CAST: Adam Pascal (Emcee), Susan Egan (Sally Bowles), Blair Brown (Fräulein Schneider), Tony Roberts (Herr Schultz), Liz McCoanhay (Fräulein Kost)

NOTES: Adam's first performance as the Emcee



Washington DC | May 12, 2015 | Opening Night

CAST: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Sally Bowles), Naomi Jacobson (Fräulein Schneider), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Gregory Wooddell (Clifford Bradshaw)

NOTES: First performance



Winnipeg | January 30, 2015

CAST: Mike Nadajewski (Emcee), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Sally Bowles), Debbie Maslowsky (Fräulein Schneider), Oliver Dawson (Herr Schultz), Alex Furber (Clifford Bradshaw), David Coomber (Ernst Ludwig), Dayna Tietzen (Fräulein Kost)

Notes: Dianalesie's master



5th West End Revival | February 12, 2022 | Matinee 

CAST: Eddie Redmayne (Emcee), Emily Benjamin (u/s Sally Bowles), Omari Douglas (Cliff), Liza Sadovy (Fraulein Schneider), Elliot Levey (Herr Schultz), Stewart Clarke (Ernst Ludwig), Anna-Jane Casey (Fraulein Kost/Fritzie), Sally Frith (Frenchie), Matthew Gent (Hans), Theo Maddix (Lulu), Daniel Perry (Victor), Andre Refig (Max), Christopher Tendai (Bobby), Bethany Terry (Helga), Lillie-Pearl Wildman (Texas), Emma Louise Jones (s/w Rosie)

NOTES: sevenhoursbehind’s master. Possibly the first audio of Emily as Sally - she was great, and got a well-deserved long applause after Cabaret. An audience member drops something loudly in the scene between Sally and Cliff before Mein Herr which causes some laughter. NFT except through master until 5th March 2022.



5th West End Revival | March 29, 2022

Cast: Fra Fee (Emcee), Amy Lennox (Sally Bowles), Omar Baroud (Cliff), Vivien Parry (Fraulein Schneider), Andre Refig (u/s Herr Schultz), Stewart Clarke (Ernst Ludwig), Anna-Jane Casey (Fraulein Kost/Fritzie), Sally Frith (Frenchie), Chris O'Mara (s/w Hans), Theo Maddix (Lulu), Daniel Perry (Victor), Matthew Gent (Max), Christopher Tendai (Bobby), Bethany Terry (Helga), Lillie-Pearl Wildman (Texas), Sophie Maria Wojna (Rosie)

NOTES: Diamondsareforever Master. Gifted Upon Request.


Cake: The Marie Antoinette Playlist

Off-West End | September 21, 2024 | Matinée

Cast: Zizi Strallen (Marie Antoinette), Renée Lamb (Jeanne), Millie O'Connell (Nicole), Travis Ross (Cardinal), Lila Eccles (Ensemble), Zara MacIntosh (Ensemble), Emma Robotham-Hunt (Ensemble), Tarik Frimpong (Ensemble), Sunny Lee (Ensemble), Manu Sarswat (Ensemble) NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until Oct 5.


Caroline or Change

Broadway revival | October 28, 2021

CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Arica Jackson (Washing Machine), Nasia Thomas (Radio 1), Nya (Radio 2), Harper Miles (Radio 3), Jaden Myles Waldman (Noah Gellman alt.), Kevin S. McAllister (Bus/Dryer), Joy Hermalyn (Grandma Gellman), Stuart Zagnit (Grandpa Gellman), Caissie Levy (Rose Stopnick Gellman), John Cariani (Stuart Gellman), Tamika Lawrence (Dotty Moffett), N’Kenge (The Moon), Samantha Williams (Emmie Thibodeaux), Alexander Bello (Jackie Thibodeaux alt.), Jayden Theophile (Joe Thibodeaux alt.), Chip Zien (Mr. Stopnick)



Broadway | May 15, 1988 | Closing Night

CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Betty Buckley (Margaret White), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)

NOTES: Soundboard recording



Off-Broadway | March 24, 2012

CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Andy Mientus (u/s Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

West End - June 25, 2016

CAST: Ross Dawes (u/s Willy Wonka), Archie Durrant (Charlie Bucket), Barry James (Grandpa Joe), Archie Lewis (Augustus Gloop), Jasna Ivir (Mrs Gloop), Stella Haden (Veruca Salt), Johnathan Tweedie (u/s Mr Salt), Miriam Nyarko (Violet Beauregarde), Steven Serlin (u/s Mr Beauregarde), Jude Ponting (Mike Teavee), Josefina Gabrielle (Mrs Teavee), Lisa Bridge (u/s Mrs Bucket), Kraig Thomber (Grandpa George), Claire Carrie (Grandma Josephine), Myra Sands (Grandma Georgina), Chris Grahamson (Mr Bucket)


The Cher Show

UK Tour | February 4, 2023 | Matinee | Wimbledon 
CAST: Debbie Kurup (Star), Danielle Steers (Lady), Millie O’Connell (Babe), Lucas Rush (Sonny), Jake Mitchell (Bob Mackie), Sam Ferriday (Greg Allman / Rob Camilletti / Phil Spector / John Southall), Tori Scott (Georgia), Jordan Anderton, Jasmine Jules Andrews, Carla Bertran, Catherine Cornwall, Áine Curran, Sam Holden, Samantha Ivey, Ingrid Olivia, Aston Newman Hannington, Clayton Rosa, Chay Wills
NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Through master until February 18. 2nd to last show in Wimbledon.



Concert | May 13, 2008 | Evening

CAST: Josh Groban (Anatoly) Adam Pascal (Freddie) Idina Menzel (Florence) Kerry Ellis (Svetlana) David Bedella (Molokov) Marti Pellow (The Arbiter) Clarke Peters (Walter) Grant Anthony, Christopher Colley, Tiffany Graves, Leila Benn Harris, David Michael Johnson, Debbie Kurup,
Christian Lund, Aoife Mulholland, Andrew Playfoot, Jon Robyns,Tabitha Webb

Notes: Westendfan's master



West End Revival | April 26, 2018 | Preview

CAST: Michael Ball (Anatoly Sergievsky), Cassidy Janson (Florence Vassy), Tim Howar (Freddie Trumper), Cellen Chugg Jones (u/s Freddie Trumper), Alexandra Burke (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Cedric Neal (Arbiter), Phillip Browne (Molokov), Callum Evans (Leonid Viigand)

NOTES: First preview. The interval lasted 40 minutes, then director Laurence Connor came onto stage and explained that Tim Howar's wife had gone into labor. Understudy Cellen Chugg Jones played Freddie in the second act, although he hadn't rehearsed the role yet.



West End Revival | June 2, 2018 | Matinee

FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked)

CAST: Michael Ball (Anatoly Sergievsky), Cassidy Janson (Florence Vassy), Tim Howar (Freddie Trumper), Alexandra Burke (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Cedric Neal (Arbiter), Phillip Browne (Molokov)



UK Tour | March 15, 2012 | Southsea

CAST: Ali Bastian (Roxie Hart), Tupele Dorgu (Velma Kelly), Stefan Booth (Billy Flynn), Jamie Baughan (Amos Hart), Bernie Nolan (Matron "Mama" Morton), Alex Weatherhill (Mary Sunshine), Chloé Ames (Hunyak), Kate Morris (Liz), Genevieve Nicole (Annie), Karen Aspinall (s/w June), Jennifer Hilton (Mona), Ian Oswald (Fred Casely), Claire Rogers (Go-To-Hell-Kitty), Gregor Stewart (Sergeant Fogarty), Dominic Lamb (Aaron), Ashley Rumble (Martin Harrison), Daniele Arbisi (Bailiff), Adam Salter (The Jury), Nick Blair (McVicars Announcer)

Notes: Musicalshoes' master


Chior of Man

West End |March 15, 2024 | Matinee

CAST: Sam Pope (The Joker), Olugbenga Adelekan (The Bore), Richard Lock (s/w The Beast), Adam Bayjou (The Hard Man), Michele Maria Benvenuto (The Maestro), Ben Goffe (The Handyman), Luke Conner Hall (The Romantic), Mark Irwin (The Barman), Sam Ebenezer (The Poet) NOTES: only a few days after cast change. batbootlegs' master.


A Chorus Line

West End Revival | June 12, 2013 

CAST: John Partridge (Zach), Alastair Postlethwaite (Larry), Gary Watson (Don), Vicki Lee Taylor (Maggie), Adam Salter (Mike), Katy Hards (u/s Connie), Andy Rees (Greg), Scarlett Strallen (Cassie), Leigh Zimmerman (Sheila), Ed Currie (Bobby), Daisy Maywood (Bebe), Genevieve Nicole (u/s Judy), James T Lane (Richie), Marc Leslie (u/s Al), Frances Dee (Kristine), Alice Jane Murray (u/s Val), Harry Francis (Mark), Gary Wood (Paul), Georgie Ashwood (u/s Diana), Segun Fawole (Butch), Michael Steedon (Tom), Jon Tsouras (Frank)



West End Revival | August 7, 2013

CAST: John Partridge (Zach), Alastair Postlethwaite (Larry), Gary Watson (Don), Vicki Lee Taylor (Maggie), Harry Francis (u/s Mike), Alexzandra Sarmiento (Connie), Andy Rees (Greg), Lucy Jane Adcock (u/s Cassie), Genevieve Nicole (u/s Sheila), Ed Currie (Bobby), Daisy Maywood (Bebe), Alice Jane Murray (Judy), Simon Hardwick (Al), Frances Dee (Kristine), Rebecca Herszenhorn (Val), Michael Steedon (Mark), Gary Wood (Paul), Victoria Hamilton-Barritt (Diana), Marc Leslie (Roy), Jon Tsouras (Frank), Katy Hards (Vicki)


Cinderella R&H

Broadway | January 25, 2013 | Preview

CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Harriet Harris (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Greg Hildreth (Jean-Michel), Marla Mindelle (Gabrielle), Phumzile Sojola (Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)

NOTES: First preview. Includes a few songs that were cut early on.



Cadogan Hall Concert | October 20, 2019

CAST: Christine Allado (Ella), Jac Yarrow (Topher), Dianne Pilkington (Marie), Mazz Murray (Madame), Jodie Jacobs (Charlotte), Dean John-Wilson (Jean-Michel), Zoë Rainey (Gabrielle), Sam Oladeinde (Lord Pinkleton), Jérôme Pradon (Sebastian), Christopher Cameron


Cinderella ALW

West End |November 6, 2021 | Matinee |  Limited Trades 2:1
Cast: Lauren Byrne (U/S Cinderella), Ivan Turco (Prince Sebastian), Rebecca Trehearn (The Queen), Victoria Hamilton-Barritt (The Stepmother), Georgina Castle (Marie), Laura Baldwin (Adele), Gloria Onitiri (The Godmother), Caleb Roberts (Prince Charming), Natasha May-Thomas (S/W)
Notes: Lauren Byrne's debut as U/S Cinderella and Natasha May-Thomas' swing debut. Includes two perfect quality recordings - from an Olympus Dictaphone & from the Dolby On App on iPhone 12 Pro Master: TimeToBlowYourMind

Close up - The Twiggy Musical

Menier Chocolate Factory, London | September 23, 2023 | Matinee 

CAST: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass, Leanne Garretty, Liam Buckland, Karen Walker, Emma-Katoe Adcock, Harriet Bunton, Luke Johnson, Sydney Spencer

NOTES: its-all-green's master. A really fun new show about the life of Twiggy. 



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | October 7, 2023 | Matinee |


NFT Until October 21

CAST: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Leanne Garretty (u/s Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass, Liam Buckland, Karen Walker (e/c swing), Emma-Katoe Adcock, Harriet Bunton, Luke Johnson, Sydney Spencer

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until October 21. Leanne's 5th show as Nell. The show has no swings so Karen stepped into her track as well as doing her regualr one too where possible.

Untracked (with a few tracked songs)


Menier Chocolate Factory, London | October 8, 2023 | Matinee


NFT Until October 21

CAST: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Leanne Garretty (u/s Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass, Liam Buckland, Karen Walker (e/c swing), Emma-Katoe Adcock, Harriet Bunton, Luke Johnson, Sydney Spencer

NOTES: forfivemoreminutes' master



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | October 14, 2023

Cast: Harriet Bunton (u/s Twiggy), Leanne Garretty (u/s Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Sydney Spencer (u/s Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy, e/c ensemble track), Danny Nattrass, Liam Buckland (e/c split track), Karen Walker (e/c split track), Emma-Katoe Adcock (e/c split track), Luke Johnson Notes: Harriet's second performance as Twiggy, having debuted at the matinée. The first day that Twiggy was not played by Elena. Sydney's second performance as Kay, having debuted at the matinée. The show has no swings, so Karen, Emma, Liam and David split the tracks between them. Karen would have been Shirely, which is normally played by Leanne,  at the start of the show but would've continued to fill in for Leanne's track.



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | October 22, 2023 | Matinee 


CAST: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass, Leanne Garretty, Liam Buckland, Karen Walker (e/c swing Harriet's track), Emma-Katoe Adcock, Luke Johnson, Sydney Spencer

NOTES: its-all-green's master. Karen did her own track + Harriets. Elena and Hannah are back with fire. Lauren flubbed a line near the start of act 2 about Michael.



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | October 26, 2023 | Matinee

CAST: Harriet Bunton (u/s Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass (Ensemble), Leanne Garretty (Ensemble), Liam Buckland (Ensemble), Karen Walker (Ensemble), Emma-Katie Adcock (Ensemble), Luke Johnson (Ensemble), Sydney Spencer (Ensemble)
NOTES: Harriet did a wonderful job of playing Twiggy. It seems Karen did most of Hariet's stuff in act 1, Emma act 2 whilst both doung their own tracks. Also the mixing at the end of Bony Moroni sounded different, the guys could be heard a lot more.



Menier Chocolate Factory, London |November 8, 2023

Cast: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass (Ensemble), Leanne Garretty (Ensemble), Liam Buckland (e/c Swing +Ensemble), Karen Walker (Ensemble), Emma-Katie Adcock ((e/c Swing +Ensemble), Karen Walker (e/c Swing + Ensemble), , Sydney Spencer (Ensemble)

Notes: Harriet was off so her track was split between Karren (who did the Shirley stuff) and Emma who did more of the act 2 stuff. Luke was also out so Liam did his bits along with his usual track.



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | Novmber 12, 2023 | Matinee

CAST: Harriet Bunton (u/s Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy & e/c swing Luke & Sydney), Danny Nattrass (Ensemble), Leanne Garretty (Ensemble), Liam Buckland (Ensemble & e/c s/w Ken Russel/Laurence Olivier), Karen Walker (Ensemble & e/c s/w Sydney & Harriet), Emma-Katie Adcock (Ensemble & e/c s/w Harriet)

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until November 25. Crazy cut show. Harriet went on for Twiggy when she is still recovering from a chest infection so her track was mostly covered by Karren & Emma (who was also doing her own track). Kareen was doing her own track, part of Sydney's & Harriets. David covered Luke in act 1 and some of Sydney's stuff in act 2 and his own track Liam did most of Luke's and his usual stuff. Somebody to love only had 4 dancers at the start then the rest came out ot do the lift. Happy ending reprise was all women rather than 2 women + Danny and Liam because Liam was Ken and wouldnt have time to change. This cast deserve the world and a rest.



Menier Chocolate Factory, London | November 18, 2023 | Evening | Closing Night

CAST: Elena Skye (Twiggy), Hannah Jane Fox (Nell Hornby), Steven Serlin (Norman Hornby), Daren Day (Michael Witney), Lauren Azania AJ King Yombo (Kay), Matt Corner (Justin de Villeneuve), Beth Devine (Sally), Aoife Dunne (Cindy), David McIntosh (Tommy), Danny Nattrass, Leanne Garretty, Liam Buckland, Karen Walker, Emma-Katoe Adcock, Harriet Bunton, Luke Johnson, Sydney Spencer

NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until December 2. Closing night of this fun little show at the Menier. Cast were on top of their game, all enjoying one last show together. Elena was getting upset towards the end of act 2. Twiggy was in the audeince and a few other VIPs. Untracked


Off-Broadway | January 12, 2019 | Closing Night

CAST: Katie Goffman (u/s Cher), Ephie Aardema (Tai), Zurin Villanueva (Dionne), Dave Thomas Brown (Josh), Sara Andreas (Heather), Will Connolly (Travis), Gilbert L Bailey II (Murray), Justin Mortelliti (Christian), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Lucy), Tessa Grady (Amber), Talya Groves (Summer), Chris Hoch (Mel), L’ogan J’ones (Max), Darius Jordan Lee (Sean), Brett Thiele (Elton), Chris Hoch (Mr Hall), Megan Sikora (Miss Geist), Megan Sikora (Ms Stoeger), Chris Hoch (DMV Instructor)

NOTES: Closing night of the Off-Broadway show. Dove Cameron called out for the show and her understudy went on


The Colour Purple

London | August 27, 2013

CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Nicola Hughes (Shug Avery), Sophia Nomvete (Sofia), Christopher Colquhoun (Mister), Adebayo Bolaji (Harpo), Abiona Omonua (Nettie), Gabriel Mokake (Adam), Ashley Campbell (Grady), Lakesha Cammock (Squeak), Ibinabo Jack (Olivia), Neil Reidman (Pa), Keisha T Fraser (Church Lady / Darlene), Jennifer Saayeng (Church Lady / Jarene), Samantha-Antoinette Smith (Church Lady / Doris), Leon Lopez (Preacher / Guard), Joe Speare (Ol' Mister)



Birmingham Hippodrome | July 20, 2019 | Matinee

Cast: T'Shan Williams (Celie), Joanna Francis (Shug Avery), Karen Mavundukure (Sofia), Ako Mitchell (Mister), Simon-Anthony Rhoden (Harpo), Danielle Fiamanya (Nettie), Owen Chaponda (Guard), KM Drew Boateng (Bobby/Buster), Anelisa Lamola (Church Lady), Perola Congo (Squeak), Jo Servi (Preacher / Ol' Mister), Geoff Aymer (Pa), Rosemary Annabella Nkrumah (Church Lady / Darlene), Landi Oshinowo (Church Lady / Jarene), Danielle Kassaraté (Church Lady / Doris), Geoff Aymer (Ol' Mister)

Notes: Irish trading's master


The Commitments

London | November 17, 2013

CAST: Killian Donnelly (Deco), Denis Grindel (Jimmy), Mark Dugdale (Derek), Ben Fox (Joey), Matthew Wycliffe (Outspan), Brian Gilligan (Billy/Dave), Andrew Linnie (Dean), Sarah O'Connor (Imelda), Stephanie Mckeon (Natalie), Jessica Cervi (Bernie), Barnaby Southgate (James), Joe Woolmer (Mickah), Sean Kearns (Jimmy's Da), Julia Worsley (Jimmy's Ma/Outspan's Ma), Thomas Snowdon (Hot Press)



London - 2014 | Highlights

CAST: Sharon Sexton, Riona O Connor

NOTES: A few various tracks featuring Sharon Sexton, Riona O’Connor and other covers and leads



London | February 16, 2014

CAST: Ian McIntosh (Deco), Denis Grindel (Jimmy), Mark Dugdale (Derek), Ben Fox (Joey), Matthew Wycliffe (Outspan), Brian Gilligan (Billy/Dave), Andrew Linnie (Dean), Sarah O'Connor (Imelda), Stephanie Mckeon (Natalie), Jessica Cervi (Bernie), Barnaby Southgate (James), Joe Woolmer (Mickah), Sean Kearns (Jimmy's Da), Julia Worsley (Jimmy's Ma/Outspan's Ma), Thomas Snowdon (Hot Press)



Third Broadway Revival | April 5, 2022

Cast: Britney Coleman (u/s Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Javier Ignacio (u/s Jamie), Matt Wall (u/s David), Tally Sessions (u/s Harry), Kathryn Allison (u/s Sarah), Terence Archie (Larry), Etai Benson (Paul), Bobby Conte (PJ), Nikki Renee Daniels (Jenny), Claybourne Elder (Andy), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Heath Saunders (u/s Theo), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Jeff Kready (s/w New Yorker), Nicholas Rodriguez (s/w New Yorker)

Notes: twistingboulevard's master. Britney Coleman’s debut performance as Bobbie. About ten minutes of act one are a little muffled due to a dropped device (from “Little Things You Do Together” and “Sorry Grateful).



Off-Broadway | June 17, 2009

CAST: Jayne Houdyshell (Coraline), Julian Fleisher (Cat), David Greenspan (The Other Mother), Francis Jue (Father / Miss Forcible / Other Miss Forcible), January LaVoy (Mother / Miss Spink / Other Miss Spink), Elliot Villar (Mr. Bobo / Other Mr. Bobo), William Youmans (Other Father)


Cruel Intentions

Edinburgh Fringe | August 7, 2019

CAST: Rebecca Gilhooley (Kathryn Merteuil), Dominic Andersen (Sebastian Valmont), Sophie Isaacs (Annette Hargrove), Evelyn Hoskins (Cecile Caldwell), Scott Hunter (Blaine Tuttle), Dean John-Wilson (Greg Mcconnell), Ashley Samuels (Ronald Clifford), Gemma Salter (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell)

NOTES: Skyeramouchexstandango's master. A photographer was sat next to me which is what the constant clicking in the recording is - recorded from the front row.



Off-West End | January 27, 2024 | Matinee

CAST: Daniel Bravo (Sebastian Valmont), Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky (Kathryn Merteuil), Abbie Budden (Annette Hargrove), Rose Galbraith (Cecile Caldwell/Marci Greenbaum), Nickcolia King-N’Da (Ronald Clifford), Barney Wilkinson (Greg McConnell), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (u/s Blaine Tuttle), Jess Buckby (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell/Dr. Greenbaum), Charlotte O'Rourke, Verity Thompson, Craig Watson

NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Until 10th February.



Off-West End | May 17, 2024

Cast: Rhianne Louise McCaulksy (Kathryn Merteuil), Daniel Bravo (Sebastian Valmont), Abbie Budden (Annette Hargrove), Rose Galbraith (Cecile Caldwell/Marci Greenbaum), Josh Barnett (Blaine Tuttle), Barney Wilkinson (Greg Mcconnell), Nickcolia King-N'da (Ronald Clifford), Jess Buckby (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell/Mrs Greenbaum), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Ensemble), Charlotte O'Rourke (Ensemble), Verity Thompson (Ensemble), Craig Watson (Ensemble)

NOTES: forfivemoreminutes' master. 


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 

West End | July 24, 2014 | Matinée

CAST: Darren Bennett (u/s Lawrence Jameson), Rufus Hound (Freddy Benson), Katherine Kingsley (Christine Colgate), Samantha Bond (Muriel Eubanks), John Marquez (Andre Thibault), Genevieve Nicole (u/s Jolene Oakes)

Notes: cynicale's master


Dolly Parton's Smoky Mountain Christmas Carol

Southbank Centre, London |January 4, 2023 | NFT Until February 12

CAST: Robert Bathurst (Scrooge), George Maguire (Cratchit/Marley & Others), Danny Whitehead (Fred/Eben & Others), Alexander Quinlan (Tiny Tim), Sarah O'Connor (Fanny & Others), Vicki Lee Taylor (Mrs Cratchit/Amy Sue & Others), Minal Patel (Fustbunch/Ghost of Christmas Present & Others), Carole Stennett (Ghost of Christmas Past/Mrs Dilber & Others), Mitchell Zhangazha (Dick & Others), Halle Brown (Sadie & Others), Iona Fraser (Eliza & Others), Richard J Hunt (Mudge & Others), Ediz Mahmut (Jabeth & Others), Elliott Marsden (Zachery Henderson)

My Notes: Please mark as sitting-in-my-hotel’s master. Tracked by FaceInTheMirror. In the scene before 'Circle of Love Finale' George struggles to open the door and so he steps through the open space next to the set instead. Not for sale. NFT except through master until 12/02/23.

Tracked & Untracked


West End | May 24, 2017 | Matinee

Cast: Amber Riley (Effie Melody White), Jocasta Almgill (u/s Deena Jones), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Lorrell Robinson), Joe Aaron Reid (Curtis Taylor, Jr.), Adam J Bernard (James “Thunder” Early), Tyrone Huntley (C.C. White), Lily Frazer (Michelle Morris), Nicholas Bailey (Marty Madison), Ashley Luke Lloyd, Callum Aylott, Candace Furbert, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Chloe Chambers, Durone Stokes, Joelle Dyson, Kimmy Edwards, Kirk Patterson, Michael Afemaré, Noel Samuels, Ryan Reid, Samara Casteallo

Notes: Cynicale’s Master



West End | October 20, 2017

CAST: Amber Riley (Effie Melody White), Liisi LaFontaine (Deena Jones), Carly Mercedes Dyer (u/s Lorrell Robinson), Joe Aaron Reid (Curtis Taylor, Jr.), Adam J Bernard (James "Thunder" Early), Tyrone Huntley (C.C. White), Lily Frazer (Michelle Morris)



West End | October 23, 2017 | Evening

Cast: Marisha Wallace (Effie White), Liisi LaFontaine (Deena Jones), Carly Mercedes Dyer (u/s Lorrell Robinson), Joe Aaron Reid (Curtis Taylor Jr.), Adam J Bernard (Jimmy Early), Joshua Liburd (C.C White), Nicholas Bailey (Marty), Lily Frazer (Michelle Morris)

Notes: FellowOzianTrade‘s Master



West End | December 23, 2017

CAST: Marisha Wallace (alt Effie Melody White), Brennyn Lark (Deena Jones), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Lorrell Robinson), Joe Aaron Reid (Curtis Taylor, Jr.), Tosh Wanogho-Maud (James "Thunder" Early), Durone Stokes (C.C. White), Kimmy Edwards (Michelle Morris), Delory Brown (Marty Madison)

Notes: Westendtrading's master



West End | December 19, 2018 | Matinee

CAST: Karen Mav (alt Effie Melody White), Nicole Deon (u/s Deena Jones), Jayde Nelson (u/s Lorrell Robinson), Ryan Reid (Curtis Taylor, Jr.), Tosh Wanogho-Maud (James "Thunder" Early), Sean Parkins (C.C. White), Kimmy Edwards (Michelle Morris), Delroy Brown (Marty Madison)



West End | January 11, 2019 | Matinee

Cast: Nicole Raquel Dennis (u/s Effie Melody White), Brennyn Lark (Deena Jones), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Lorrell Robinson), Ryan Reid (Curtis Taylor, Jr.), Tosh Wanogho-Maud (James "Thunder" Early), Sean Parkins (C.C. White), Kimmy Edwards (Michelle Morris), Delroy Brown (Marty Madison)

Notes: Nicole's final show as Effie. fellowoziantrades' Master


The Dream Engine

The Joe's Pub Concert| February 2, 2006 ​

CAST: Rob Evan, Elaine Caswell


Elegies for Angels, Punks & Raging Queens

Off West End | May 17, 2019 | Opening Night

CAST: Ailsa Davidson (Judith), Chris Cahill (Patrick), Aiden Harkins (Billy), Fraser Leigh Green (Ray/Joe), Matthew Grove (Josh/Bud), Kristine Kruse (Tracy/Helen), Charlie McCullagh (Orville/Nat), Jade Chaston (Sally/Claudia), Calum Gulvin (Nick/Paul), Marcus Ayton (Lamar/Miles), Jade Marvin (Charlotte/Nancy), Jackie Pulford (Rebecca/Joanne), Michiel Janssens (Walter), Rhys Taylor (Dwight/Roscoe), Paige Fenton (Rafaela/Alma), Althea Burey (Khadija/Nankosi)

Notes: Musicalshoes's master



Third UK Tour | May 27, 2008

CAST: Louise Dearman (Eva Perón), Seamus Cullen (Che), Mark Heenehan (Perón), James Waud (Magaldi), Nikki Mae (Perón's Mistress)



Third UK Tour | November 11, 2009

Cast: Rachael Wooding (Eva Perón), Seamus Cullen (Che), Mark Heenehan (Perón), James Waud (Magaldi), Carly Bawden (Perón's Mistress)



Fourth UK Tour | June 19, 2014

CAST: Michelle Pentecost (alt Eva Perón), Marti Pellow (Che), Andrew C Wadsworth (Perón), Nic Gibney (Magaldi), Sarah McNicholas (Perón's Mistress)



Vancouver Opera | May 8, 2016

CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), Ramin Karimloo (Che), John Cudia (Perón), Cooper Grodin (Magaldi), Shannon Chan-Kent (Perón's Mistress)



Nashville, TN (Tennessee Performing Arts Center) | September 9th, 2016 | Opening Night

CAST: Eden Espinosa (Eva Perón), Ben Crawford (Che), Anthony Crivello (Perón), René Millán (Magaldi), Mia Rose Lynn (Perón's Mistress)



Fifth UK Tour | January 21, 2017

CAST: Emma Hatton (Eva Perón), Gian Marco Schiaretti (Che), Kevin Stephen-Jones (Perón), Oscar Balmaseda (Magaldi), Sarah O'Connor (Perón's Mistress)



Regent's Park Open Air Theatre | August 14, 2019

CAST: Samantha Pauly (Eva Perón), Trent Saunders (Che), Ektor Rivera (Perón), Adam Pearce (Magaldi), Frances Mayli McCann (Perón's Mistress)

NOTES: Show stop after "On This Night Of A Thousand Stars" due to rain. Show recommences 10 minutes (a few seconds in the audio) later. Toomuchlove635's master



Leicester Curve | November 27, 2023 | Preview

CAST: Martha Kirby (Eva Perón), Tyrone Huntley (Che), Gary Milner (Perón), Dan Partridge (Magaldi), Chumsia Dornford-May (Perón's Mistress), Jacob Atkins (Eva’s Brother/Ensemble), Jacob Fisher (Eva’s Brother/Ensemble), Ashley Gilmour (Eva’s Brother/Ensemble), Harrison Burley (Ensemble), Tanisha-Mae Brown (Ensemble), Harry Chandler (Ensemble), Tia Antoine-Charles (Ensemble), Shona Eaton (Ensemble), Olivia Foster Browne (Ensemble), Jack Harrison Cooper (Ensemble), Jordan Isaac (Ensemble), Tasman January (Ensemble), Fallon Mondlane (Ensemble), Samual Routley (Ensemble), Toby Seddon (Ensemble), Darden Simmons (Ensemble), Rebecca Wickes (Ensemble), David Strula (Child), Lorcan Murphy (Child), Esme Nicholson (Child), Haylo Phillips (Child), Holly Ife (Child), Jude Bruton-Lang (Child), Matilda Evans (Child), Max Strong (Child), Olive Stafford (Child), Sophia Chambers Smith (Child), Prem Masani (Child) NOTES: Joescoat78's master. Great quality audio of the the first preview of this amazing production. Small line flubs during a new Argentina and Rainbow tour



Leicester Curve | November 28, 2023 | Preview

CAST: Martha Kirby (Eva Peron), Tyrone Huntley (Che), Gary Milner (Peron), Dan Partridge (Magaldi), Chumisa Dornford-May (Mistress), Tia Antoine-Charles, Jacob Atkins, Tanisha-Mae Brown, Harrison Burley, Harry Chandler, Shona Eaton, Jacob Fisher, Olivia Foster-Browne, Ashley Gilmour, Jack Harrison-Cooper, Jordan Isaac, Tamsin January, Fallon Mondlane, Samuel Routley, Toby Seddon, Darcey Simmons, Rebecca Wickes

NOTES: batbootlegs' master. Second preview.



Leicester Curve | December 16, 2023 

CAST: Martha Kirby (Eva Peron), Tyrone Huntley (Che), Gary Milner (Peron), Dan Partridge (Magaldi), Chumisa Dornford-May (Mistress), Tia Antoine-Charles, Jacob Atkins, Tanisha-Mae Brown, Harrison Burley, Harry Chandler, Shona Eaton, Jacob Fisher, Olivia Foster-Browne, Ashley Gilmour, Jack Harrison-Cooper, Jordan Isaac, Tamsin January, Fallon Mondlane, Samuel Routley, Toby Seddon, Darcey Simmons, Rebecca Wickes

Young Company (Team Circus): David Strula, Lorcan Murphy, Esme Nicholson, Haylo Phillips, Holly Ife, Jude Bruton-Land, Matilda Evans, Max Strong, Olive Stafford, Sophia Chambers-Smith, Prem Masani

NOTES: Its-all-green's master. NFT Until December 30.



Leicester Curve | December 20, 2023 | Matinee

CAST: Martha Kirby (Eva Peron), Tyrone Huntley (Che), Gary Milner (Peron), Dan Partridge (Magaldi), Chumisa Dornford-May (Mistress), Jacob Atkins, Jacob Fisher, Ashley Gilmour (Eva’s Brothers), Tia Antoine-Charles, Tanisha-Mae Brown, Harrison Burley, Harry Chandler, Shona Eaton, Olivia Foster-Browne, Jack Harrison Cooper, Jordan Isaac, Tamsin January (s/w), Fallon Mondlane, Samuel Routley, Toby Seddon, Rebecca Wickes (Ensemble), Zak Vara, Cece Diamond, Darcy Gilmour, Eve Hopkins, Harley-Ray Billson, Jessyca Crane, Leo Hollingsworth, Mac Boyton, Elodie Dakin, Rahul Gandabhai, Sahara Maniar, Ammara Kohn (Team Rainbow)

NOTES: MusicalShoes’ Master 



Leicester Curve | January 13, 2024

Cast: Martha Kirby (Eva Perón), Tyrone Huntley (Che), Gary Milner (Perón), Dan Patridge (Magaldi), Chumisa Dornford-May (Perón's Mistress)

Notes: Joescoat78's master.  Final Performance of this production the company are giving it 100%


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