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Matilda Videos


West End 

March 3, 2013

CAST: Hayley Canham (Matilda), Charles Brunton (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), James Willoughby Moore (Bruce), Holly Hazelton (Lavender), Uwan Lam (Nigel), Samantha Delaney (Amanda), Oliver Finnegan (Eric), Cally Callaghan (Alice), Noga Inspector (Hortensia)

NOTES: Hayley's last show. Filmed from one of the front rows in the stalls, in HD quality with very very little washout.




July 22, 2015 | Highlights

CAST: Lara McDonnell (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Antony Lawrence (u/s Mr Wormwood), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Denzel Eboji (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Alice), Imogen Kingsley-Smith (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy), Ashley Cooper (u/s Doctor), Will Kenning (Entertainer)

NOTES: Highlights including Miracle until Naughty + Green Hair Scene, Story 1, School Song, Chokey Chant, Playground scene + Thripp Throw. Really good quality video filmed from front row with amazing audio. Some light washout, and quite a few blackouts. Average camera wanders, and sometimes missing action because films front of the stage. Overall really great video!



2016 | Highlights

CAST: Zaris-Angel Hator (Matilda)

NOTES: Includes: half of Miracle, Naughty, School Song, first day of school, The Hammer, book tearing, Naughty reprise, playground/narcolepsy, part of Story 2, Bruce, When I Grow Up, Story 3, I'm Here (mostly obstructed), Smell of Rebellion, Quiet, My House, Spelling test, Revolting Children, When I Grow Up reprise/bows (basically all blacked out)




November, 2018

CAST: Isobel Hubble (Matilda), Hayden Tee (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Holly Dale Spencer (Mrs Wormwood), Rob Compton (Mr Wormwood), Glen Facey (Michael Wormwood), Malinda Parris (Mrs Phelps), Callum Train (Rudolpho), Quincy Miller-Cole (Bruce), Sadie Victoria Lim (Lavender), Henry Littell (Nigel), Lois Abercrombie (Amanda), Asher Ezequiel (Eric), Lottie Cook (Alice), Stella Haden (Hortensia), Sam Winser (Tommy), Simon Shorten (Entertainer), Simon Shorten (Sergei), Jessica Joslin (Cook)

NOTES: A nice video with a head at the bottom of the screen for Act 1 that's shot around when it obstructs the action onstage. NYCG8R's master



May 15 | 2022

CAST: Isla Gie (Matilda), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), Roger Dipper (u/s Mr. Wormwood), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Ryan Pidgen (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Kylan Denis (Bruce), Bella Perdoni (Lavender), Niamh Ritchie (alt Amanda)

NOTES: Full show of Isla Gie as Matilda except from Telly, Lavender's speech and the first half of When I Grow Up. Filmed in portrait on a phone, not the best recording ever, but still ok. Isla appears to get her hair stuck on the Miracle table, an ensemble member tries to help her, a member of backstage crew appears on stage to free Isla’s hair.



July 2023 | Matinee | Highlights

CAST: Heidi Williams (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Byrne (Miss Honey), Rakesh Boury (Mr. Wormwood), Amy Ellen Richardson (Mrs. Wormwood), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs. Phelps), Connor Lewis (Michael Wormwood), Alistair So (The Escapologist), Gemma Scholes (The Acrobat), Felipe Bejarano (Rudolpho), Alistair So (Doctor), Sekhani Dumezweni (Bruce), Jasmine Nyenya (Lavender), Noah Swer-Fox (Nigel), Kira McPherson (Amanda), Andrei Shen (Eric), Lucia Wratten (Alice), Poppy Caton (Hortensia), Finley Harlett (Tommy), James Wolstenholme (Entertainer), Kate Kenrick (Ensemble), Thea Bunting (Ensemble), Michael Gardiner (Ensemble), Aaron Jenkins (Ensemble)

NOTES: Totheotherside's master. Recorded from the back row of the dress circle. Very bad highlights of the last 25 mins of the show, from just before My House to the end of the curtain call. There are no zooms, and one point when an usher was right by me I had to put my phone in my lap. You can see the curtain call absolutely fine, but the rest is bad tbh. I'm still learning how to film. Please don't list with the full date!!




March 6, 2013 | Preview 

CAST: Oona Laurence (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Ryan Steele (u/s Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist)

NOTES: A Great HD capture of an exceptional show! Should win all kinds of Tonys hands down with a great story and concept! The cast was fantastic and Bertie is just awesome! A. SuserBlvd79's Master



May 8, 2013
CAST: Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Erica Simone Barnett (alt Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), John Sanders (Entertainer), John Sanders (Sergei), Tamika Lawrence, Ryan Steele, Thayne Jasperson, Betsy Struxness
NOTES: Lanelle's master



August 23, 2014 | Matinee

Cast: Ripley Sobo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Ava DeMary (u/s Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo (alt Nigel), Sofia Roma Rubino (alt Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Heather Tepe (u/s Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Colin Israel (u/s Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Sergei)



December 31, 2014

CAST: Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino (alt Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Sergei)

Notes: SJ Bernly's master



December 31, 2015

CAST: Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Lauralyn McClelland (u/s Mrs Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson (alt Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein (alt Tommy)

Notes: SJ Bernly's master



January 1, 2015

CAST: Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Celia Mei Rubin (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo (alt Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (alt Eric), Analise Scarpaci (alt Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Matt Meigs (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Entertainer), Sean Montgomery (Sergei)

NOTES: SJ Bernly's master. An excellent capture of Tori as Matilda. She’s a very impressive young actress, and has her own fresh take on the role. The rest of the cast is solid as well; I believe this is the first capture of Alison Luff, and she steps into the show beautifully.This is very nicely captured with no washout, no major blackouts, and very little obstruction. A railing blocks the very front left corner of the stage, but only the actors’ legs are unseen. Telly is audio only; the video for act two begins when the house lights go down and Lavender takes the stage. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. 2 DISCS



January 1, 2017

CAST: Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), John Sanders (Mr Wormwood), Joseph Medeiros (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (alt Tommy), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Michael Fatica (Entertainer), Colin Israel, Marisa Kennedy, Travis Waldschmidt, Wesley Faucher

NOTES: Closing show on Broadway! SJ Bernly's master. The final Broadway show performance! Lots of energy from the cast and audience! Denise Wood gave a nice speech after the curtain call. A good capture overall, there are a few heads that can be seen at the bottom of the screen throughout the show, but it is worked around and doesn't block more than the actors feet. There are about 3 minutes of blackouts during miracle, and a few other quick dropouts throughout the show. Telly is partially captured. Its filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, speech and playbill scans.



First US Tour

June 14, 2015  | Los Angeles, California

CAST: Gabby Gutierrez (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr Wormwood), Danny Tieger (Michael Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho), Evan Gray (Bruce), Kaci Walfall (Lavender), Luke Kolbe Mannikus (u/s Nigel), Kayla Vinueza Amistad (Amanda), Serena Quadrato (u/s Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor), Jaquez Andre Sims (Entertainer)

NOTES: Contains bows and pictures of program at end of video, pictures of program are too blurry to read though.



April 6, 2016

Cast: Lily Brooks O'Briant (Matilda), David Abeles (Miss Truchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Justin Packard (u/s Mr Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Camden Gonzales (u/s Mrs Phelps), Austyn Johnson (Amanda), Cassidy Hagel (Alice).



UK Tour

October 1, 2018

CAST: Sophia Ally (Matilda), Adam Vaughan (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Matthew Caputo (Michael Wormwood), Michelle Chantelle Hopewell (Mrs Phelps), Matt Gillett (Rudolpho), Cuba Kamanu (Bruce), Chantelle Tonolete (Lavender), Ashton Murphy (Nigel), Lyla Toplass (Amanda), Ruaridh Sinnott (Eric), Georgia Mae Brown (Alice), Evie Allen (Hortensia), Dylan Hughes (Tommy), Emily Bull (Acrobat), Steffan Lloyd-Evans (Escapologist), Peter Bindloss (Doctor), Oliver Bingham (u/s Entertainer), Anu Ogunmefun (Cook)

NOTES: Brilliant performance with a few bloopers from the understudy Trunchbull during Smell of Rebellion, a balloon-tiara incident in Miracle and some early singing starts. Recorded vertically on a phone, but the quality is pretty good! Worthlesslittletoad's master


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