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Come from Away Audios



March 29, 2017 | Matinee

CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)



March 6, 2020

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Pearl Sun (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Kenita R Miller (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)

Note: 17fortrade’s master.



September 22, 2021 | Evening

Cast: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), James Seol (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q. Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Pearl Sun (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)

Notes: Third performance back on Broadway. A nice 1 min 15 sec entrance applause before the show fully started, and lots of cheers at various parts of the show (my favorite were the cheers/reactions in "Me and the Sky"). There might have been a bit of rustling near the mics here and there (the lady sitting in front of me could not sit still). Otherwise a very nice stereo audio. Please do not post/gift/freely share this audio or any clips anywhere, including but not limited to YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, Vimeo, TikTok, or any other places online. This audio is never to be sold. Juniper47' master



September 29, 2021

Cast: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), James Seol (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q. Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Pearl Sun (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)

Notes: Lowen’s Master. Gifted Upon Request



October 2, 2021

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), James Seol (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Pearl Sun (t/r Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)

Notes: shesmydoctor’s master



October 9, 2021 | Matinee

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), James Seol (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De’Lon Grant (Bob & others) Notes: Petrina’s second show back! shesmydoctor’s master



December 18, 2021

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), James Seol (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De’Lon Grant (Bob & others)

Notes: shesmydoctor’s master


First National Tour

November 7, 2018

CAST: Becky Gulsvig (Beverley/Annette & others), Andrew Samonsky (Kevin T./Garth & others), Kevin Carolan (Claude & others), Harter Clingman (Oz & others), Emily Walton (Janice & others), Nick Duckart (Kevin J./Ali & others), Chamblee Ferguson (Nick/Doug & others), Christine Toy Johnson (Diane & others), Danielle K Thomas (Hannah & others), Julie Johnson (Beulah & others), Megan McGinnis (Bonnie & others), James Earl Jones II (Bob & others)

Notes: Picquery's master

Tracked and Untracked


December 19, 2018

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)

Notes: Leg-boots master


West End

February 9, 2019 | Preview | Limited trades 2:1

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)

NOTES: Limited trades 2:1 Timetoblowyourmind's master



May 8, 2019

CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Mark Dugdale (s/b Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)

Notes: Soulofaman-stepone's master

Tracked and Untracked


June 29, 2019

CAST: Jennifer Tierney (s/b Beverley/Annette & others), Bob Harms (s/b Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Diane & others), Tania Mathurin (s/b Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Kirsty Malpass (s/b Bonnie & others), Brandon Lee Sears (s/b Bob & others)

Notes: shoeroom's audio master



February 10, 2020 | Limited Trades 2:1

CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Ricardo Castro (s/b Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)

NOTES: LIMITED TRADES 2:1. Frst show for the new cast. timetoblowyourmind's master



March 11, 2020

CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)

NOTES: pyladic's audio master. Press/gala night! Beautiful recording of the new cast, and an incredibly appreciative audience. Includes audio of speeches from the cast and introductions of two of the real life Gander people.



August 5, 2021

Jenna Boyd (Beulah and others), James Doherty (Claude and others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie and others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T, Garth, and others). Alice Fearn (Beverly, Anette, and others), Kate Graham (Diane and others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick, Doug, and others) Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J, Ali, and others), Gemma Knight Jones (Hannah and others) Harry Morrison (Oz and others), Sam Oladeinde (Bob and others). Emma Salvo (Janice and others)

Notes: honeycat453’s master



June 5, 2021 | Preview

CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others), Phillip Lowe (Nick & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Joseph Naim (Kevin J & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Katrina Retallick (Diane & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Gene Weygandt (Claude & others)

NOTES: yiksclouds master. tracking/cover by cheshiremayo

Tracked and Untracked

Dutch Tour, Non-Replica

October 17, 2021  | Preview

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley/Annette & others), Steven Roox (Kevin T./Garth & others), Wim van den Driessche (Claude & others), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz & others), Willemijn van Holt (Janice & others), Frank van Hengel (Kevin J./Ali & others), Ad Knippels (Nick/Doug & others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & others), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah & others), Lieke van den Broek (Bonnie & others), Qshans Thode (Bob & others)

 Notes: Iguesscallmedennis’s master. A 45-minute open rehearsal, two weeks before the first show. This is the second time-slot of the day, so it’s different from MusicalTheatreLove’s master. This set ran from ‘Welcome to the Rock’ through ‘Costume Party’. They restarted the first song a few lines in, because Wim sang the first lines from ‘Finale’ instead of the opening. They didn’t use mic’s, so I boosted the audio quite a lot to make the dialogue as understandable as possible.



November 3, 2021 | Opening night | NFT through master only

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley/Annette & others), Steven Roox (Kevin T./Garth & others), Wim van den Driessche (Claude & others), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz & others), Willemijn van Holt (Janice & others), Frank van Hengel (Kevin J./Ali & others), Ad Knippels (Nick/Doug & others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & others), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah & others), Janis van Dorsselaer (u/s Bonnie & others), Qshans Thode (Bob & others), Rosite van de Woude (musical direction)

Notes: MusicalTheatreLove's master First preview of the Dutch non-replica production! A wonderful production with a great new staging that surpasses the original multiple times during the show. The cast is great and everyone was clearly overjoyed to be on stage together and to tell this beautiful story. Also amazing: Rosite van de Woude, the first woman in charge of the musical direction of a big production in the Netherlands! There was a great atmosphere in the theater, with a very receptive audience and while giving a standing ovation has almost become the norm in Dutch musical theater, I have rarely seen an audience jump out of their seats so quickly during the curtain call, let alone during the first preview. If you have the chance; go and see this production, because it's amazing!



November 12, 2021

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley/Annette & others), Steven Roox (Kevin T./Garth & others), Wim van den Driessche (Claude & others), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz & others), Willemijn van Holt (Janice & others), Frank van Hengel (Kevin J./Ali & others), Ad Knippels (Nick/Doug & others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & others), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah & others), Lieke van den Broek (Bonnie & others), Qshans Thode (Bob & others)

Notes: Nice quality audio of this stunning non-replica production. Willemijn delivers an amazing ‘Me And The Sky’, and Frank is great as Kevin J and Ali. Somewhere around ‘I Am Here’ the phone of the person next to me rang for like two minutes. Includes photos of the cast screen.

m4a (untracked) / Iguesscallmedennis



November 18, 2021

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley & Others), Ad Knippels (Nick & Others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & Others), Wim Van Den Driessche (Claude & Others), Robbert Van Den Bergh (Oz & Others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & Others), Marleen Van Der Loo (Beulah & Others), Steven Roox (Kevin T & Others), Frank Van Hengel (Kevin J & Others), Lieke Van Den Broek (Bonnie & Others), Willemijn Van Holt (Janice & Others), Qshans Thode (Bob & Others)

Notes: Soundboard rip of livestreamed housecam.



November 26, 2021 | 2:1 Limited trades

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley/Annette & others), Steven Roox (Kevin T./Garth & others), Wim van den Driessche (Claude & others), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz & others), Willemijn van Holt (Janice & others), Frank van Hengel (Kevin J./Ali & others), Ad Knippels (Nick/Doug & others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & others), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah & others), Lieke van den Broek (Bonnie & others), Qshans Thode (Bob & others), Rosite van de Woude (musical direction)

Notes: Musicaltheatrelive's master. Very receptive audience (in a amazing way).

Second to last show before lockdown



November 27, 2021 | Matinee

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverley/Annette & others), Steven Roox (Kevin T./Garth & others), Wim van den Driessche (Claude & others), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz & others), Willemijn van Holt (Janice & others), Frank van Hengel (Kevin J./Ali & others), Ad Knippels (Nick/Doug & others), Rosalie de Jong (Diane & others), Joanne Telesford (Hannah & others), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah & others), Lieke van den Broek (Bonnie & others), Silencio Pinas (u/s Bob & others), Rosite van de Woude (musical direction)

NOTES: idreamyouthinkofme's master



March 26, 2022

Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Beverly Bass/Annette/a.o.), Ad Knippels (Nick Manson/Doug/a.o.), Wim van den Driessche (Claude Elliott/Derm/a.o.), Robbert van den Bergh (Oz Fudge/Joey/a.o.), Joanne Telesford (Hannah O'Rourke/Margie/a.o.), Frank van Hengel (Kevin Jung/Ali/a.o.), Steven Roox (Kevin Tuerff/Garth/a.o.), Marleen van der Loo (Beulah Davis/Delores/a.o.), Willemijn van Holt (Janice Mosher/Britney/a.o.), Lieke van den Broek (Bonnie Harris/Martha/a.o.), Qshans Thode (Bob/Captain Bristol/a.o.), Jennifer van Brenk (Cover Diane Grey/Crystal/a.o.)

Notes: not 100% sure if Lieke was on that day, or if Miriam was covering. Other than that, phenomenal cast & translation. Mellarksrose's master. 


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